Banking and insuranceEconomicalEconomicalBanking and insurance

Sale of 46 thousand billion Rials of financial bonds in the 23rd auction

According to Iran EconomistCentral Bank published the results of the last auction of Islamic financial bonds held on Tuesday, December 5th. Arad 140, Arad 145, Arad 146 and Arad 147 icons were sold in this auction.

In this offering, bonds were sold to banks and non-bank credit institutions and real and legal buyers in the capital market.

During this period, no banks and credit institutions had orders and the bonds were sold to real and legal buyers in the capital market.

Sale of 46 thousand billion Rials of financial bonds in the 23rd auction

According to the Central Bank, the next auction will be held on Tuesday, January 12. In this auction, the bonds are offered in the form of public bidding, with coupons and with the frequency of 6-month interest payments (coupon payments twice a year).

Banks and non-bank credit institutions can send their orders through the interbank market system (TABA) and insurance companies and financial institutions through the quotation system of Tehran Stock Exchange Technology Management Company.

The deadline for sending orders is from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Sunday, January 10.

Sale of 46 thousand billion Rials of financial bonds in the 23rd auction

The central bank sends the proposals received from banks and non-bank credit institutions to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance for decision, and this ministry determines the winning orders. According to paragraph “A” of Note (5) of the budget law of 1402, the central bank is only allowed to buy and sell government Islamic financial bonds in the secondary bond market.

The brokerage of this bank, while providing the infrastructure for transactions and holding auctions, has no obligation regarding the volume and price of government Islamic financial bonds sold, and will not purchase the aforementioned bonds in the primary market in order to finance the government.

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