
Say these golden sentences to your child every day!

Health Department of Fars News Agency: Why did you mess up the house? Collect your tools! why did you do that?! where are your shoes Get in the car! Brush your teeth and… these are many phrases and sentences that parents tell their children every day to so-called educate them.

Since children do not have the experience of adults, they try to constantly try and make mistakes, and in this way, they make various mistakes, and as a result, they are followed by increasing anger and violence from their parents and sometimes ruining the situation at home.

In the midst of the ups and downs of childhood, if we deal with our children with a realistic view and express intelligent words, we can witness their growing spiritual and psychological growth and take positive steps towards the correct education of our loved ones.

What follows in this report is the statement of important and strategic sentences facing our children, which can have very beneficial effects on their life and upbringing.

1- You are kind

Sometimes saying “you’re kind” can come true. Parents should try to make their children do something kind and understand it. Reminding children to be kind is a powerful way to help them grow into emotionally and spiritually healthy adults. In addition, encouraging them to be kind to themselves will lead to them being kind to others.

2- Please and thank you!

To get respect you must give respect. It is very important to model appropriate behavior for children. At the beginning of every request, such as asking your child to do something, put the word “please” and at the end of everything he does for you, thank him with the word “thank you”. Your job is to teach him gratitude.

3- I’m sorry!

This word may not be used every day, but your children need you to apologize when you do something wrong. Telling your child “I’m sorry” means that even adults have to take responsibility for their mistakes do Apologizing when you are angry or have done something wrong will build trust in your child.

4- It was a good effort

Be sure to tell your child this sentence when he has done something really important; Of course, always keep in mind that praising children can depend on the individual needs of each of them and is different for each child.

5– I am grateful for having you

Telling your kids you’re so grateful to have them means just as much as saying I love you. Appreciation defines another level of loving and thanking for having them and valuing their presence for children. This gratitude and thanksgiving for the birth of your children and telling him about this issue creates self-esteem in the child and positivity and A positive spirit will be strengthened in your children.

6- how was your day

Parents often talk to their children a lot but don’t say what they should say. You can ask your child how his day went and listen to his answers; Even if their answer seems naive to you and you don’t agree with it, you need to show them that you respect their experience.

Always pay attention to what he says to you. Never talk to your child while you are staring at your mobile screen or working on your computer.

7- I know you’ll make it

Allowing children the opportunity to fail is one of the greatest gifts a parent can give their child. Solving small children’s problems will prepare your child to solve the bigger problems they will face as adults. Saying this golden phrase to the child will strengthen his self-confidence and self-esteem. After hearing this sentence, the child gets a double spirit and believes in his own strength and power and learns that he should work with all his heart in front of any work and action. Telling them “I know that you can handle it” conveys this message. that you consider them to be people with many abilities.

8- I love you

It may be very common for you to say this phrase, but many children do not hear this phrase from their parents. Sometimes parents think that the things they do show their love for their child, but children really need to hear this. Know that their sweet sentences and expressions have a strange power to attract and create morale and self-confidence.

Words can be soothing or painful. Children need to feel safe in this world. Telling your child that you love him makes him feel that there is always someone in this world who cares about him. Saying “I love you” to children is very good and comforting, and he always knows that his parents are there for him. He is valued and has a strong emotional support.

9- A mistake occurs

“Oh! Your food dish spilled. Go and get two napkins from the kitchen. I’ll help you clean it up.”

pay attention! Don’t even say this inappropriate phrase to your children – sloppy children; Rather, teach them that making mistakes happens to everyone and it’s okay. When children make mistakes, show them that “Mommy is not angry. This will be solved. The world is not over; All great people make mistakes too.

10-Define them

“You solve puzzles very well. “You put the pieces of the puzzle together very quickly.” These very small definitions have a positive effect on the child’s thinking. Constantly remind them how talented and smart they are. This makes children value themselves.

11– Give a second chance!

“Come on! This is the toy I got from you yesterday. You can play with it today. Pay attention to the rules of the game.” Giving your child a second chance is great; even if your child doesn’t follow the rules one day and doesn’t listen to your warnings, give him the chance to try again the next day. In this way, you show him that you are sure he can handle it. This issue fosters a sense of trust in children.

12- Being responsible

“That’s right, you’re right; I made a mistake, let me make amends.” Sometimes it happens, for example, in the game, the ball falls out of your hand; Such mistakes give you the opportunity to teach your child about accepting your actions and correcting the situation.

This also increases the child’s self-confidence. By doing this, parents instill a sense of self-reliance in the child. Pay attention, children are at an age where they need to experience many things by themselves so that their sense of curiosity is raised and they feel the results of this curiosity themselves.

13- Trust the child

“Can you watch your little sister while I do the dishes? If you give your older child such responsibilities and tell him: “I need someone like you to take care of him”, you have actually increased his sense of self-confidence. In this case, older children do not harm their younger siblings.

You can put the small child in a crib or on a blanket on the floor and let the older child entertain him with toys or cuddling the younger child. In this way, in addition to increasing self-confidence, he realizes that his parents trust him.

14- To love unconditionally

“No matter what you’ve done, my love for you will never end.” Children know that you love them, but they must understand that this love is unconditional; It never ends and does not change based on circumstances. If your child breaks a light bulb, he will be afraid to bring it up with you, so remind him of your interest so that he has the courage to express it. This expression of love creates a sense of security and peace in the child.

Your child is more important than what they do, and parents can use these instructive situations to teach their children not to do this again.

15- just listen

Children’s actions speak better than their words. Sometimes, children do not find words for their words. If it’s hard for your child to explain what’s going on with his brother, look him in the eye and let him talk. Listening to his words shows your interest and respect; It means that you value him and fully understand that he is in a difficult situation.

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