Social skills in children do not grow because of virtual space – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr news agency, Reza Murad Sahrai said in the meeting of the general directors of the renovation, development and equipping of schools in the provinces: renovation and transformation in education took place in two areas, the outer area including; The construction, renovation and reconstruction of schools is assigned to the School Renovation Organization, and the internal field, which is the field of transformation in textbooks, is the responsibility of the Research and Program Organization. tiny A lesson was taught.
Sahrai stating that the organization of renovation, development and equipping of schools should focus on the education system, that is, in the design of buildings in Kenna Paying attention to the bylaws, he should design an educational building and specify criteria for the design and implementation of educational buildings, he added: The educational research and planning organization is also a promising nucleus for the country.
Acting Minister of Education said: “Education is a process with elements within it, and if these elements are not completely placed next to each other and do not work well, we will not achieve the desired result.”
He considered the teacher as one of the main elements of this process and stated: The teacher is a main element and a role player in the education system; All goals can be achieved with a good teacher because the central circle of the education system is the teacher.
Saying that the student, the content of textbooks and space are elements in higher layers, Sahrai noted: the educational space is another layer that plays the role of identity for students, and it can be said that space is the third teacher.
The Acting Minister of Education stressed that besides providing teachers, attention should be paid to the training of qualified and competent teachers, and clarified: The previous government did not pay attention to teacher training in addition to providing teachers, it is necessary to prepare a person for the role of a teacher.
Sahrai considered technology and the creation of new learning environments as one of the elements at higher levels in the education process and stated: In the current world and with the presence of virtual space, a new platform has been formed, therefore, virtual schools and universities have been created, these are parts of It is an educational technology that we should pay attention to.
Referring to the delivery of 2,000 schools in October of this year, he said: In addition to these works, a document must be designed to equip schools with new technologies so that every school is ready to connect to optical fiber and other infrastructures.
Saying that in this design, all the conditions that exist in today’s schools should be taken into account, Sahrai said: We must raise a generation that responds to the needs of the society, so we must think of new models and this body fits the new needs. to form. Students should talk to each other in the classroom and school say and this space should be created.
Emphasizing the importance of revising the fundamental transformation document from the starting point of the school to the headquarters, the Acting Minister of Education said: The school is the center of transformation and all areas must be at the disposal of the school’s goals. to perform
Referring to the vastness of the virtual space and new technologies, he said: The virtual space has caused children to grow up apart from each other and social skills are not formed in them, so schools should be designed in such a way that children can talk to each other and have a place to play. to acquire social education in schools.
Referring to the necessity of modernization in the macro education process, Sahrai noted: Education is vast in terms of administrative structure, and if this large system does not have dynamic processes within itself, it will remain within itself and cannot create transformation. Therefore, the problem of education today is that the currents are point and linear, and for this reason, transformational processes are not created in education.
Acting Minister of Education stated that assessment is another element at higher levels and said: With the definite impact of students’ academic records in the national entrance examination, education will return to its original track and can achieve the goals of the education system. .
Stating that assessment is a part of the macro process of education, he pointed out that the student receives education in education, but is assessed by the entrance exam, and this issue will cause the goals of the education system to be sidelined.
Saying that the super-process of education has several macro-processes, Sahrai stated: In this super-process, internal relations from a process It has become a point, that’s why all the components move but we don’t get the desired result, so all the internal relationships must be in the same direction for this super process to work optimally.
Stating that strong education means a strong Iran, the Acting Minister of Education stated: In order to have a strong Iran, education must be strengthened and strengthened from within, because every country that intends to become strong, the starting point of its strengthening is from The class has started.
Pointing to the importance of building schools in which Iranian Islamic identity exists, he stated: Schools should be a manifestation of Iranian Islamic identity and children can find their identity, history and past in it and be familiar with it by attending school. become