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Some agencies do not cooperate with the investigation board of Shasta – Mehr News Agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr reporter, Ali Khazarian, the head of the Islamic Council’s research and investigation board from the Social Security Investment Company.Shasta) in describing the measures taken by this board last year, said: The subject of investigation and investigation of Shasta In the year 1400 and following the receipt of some documents about the occurrence of numerous financial violations in the subsidiaries of the Social Security Investment Company (Shasta) was brought up in the parliament at my request during the past years, which led to the holding of several meetings in the economic committee of the parliament to approve the generalities and axes of this issue, and finally the report of the economic committee of the parliament was read in the public meeting on July 7, 1401, which was approved by the representatives. It was approved by the parliament and practically the work of the research and investigation board of the social security investment company (Shasta) After that, it started with the selection of members and the appointment of the board of directors and the issuance of the verdict by the Speaker of the Islamic Council in the fall of 1401.

The representative of the people of Tehran in the Islamic Council added: After the establishment of the executive team of the research and investigation board Shastaissues equal to the axes approved by the parliament, during numerous correspondences from the social security investment company (Shasta) and subsidiary holding companies were followed up until the end of 1401 250 correspondences from the research and investigation board with the headquarters Shastasubsidiary holding companies and other devices outside the collection Shasta It has been done that due to the large volume of topics and the time frame of the investigation, it requires more effort from the managers Shasta and the maintenance companies in sending the response letters of this board, and the issue of managers’ procrastination has also been reflected to the Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare and the CEO of the Social Security Investment Company on several occasions, so that this company will take action towards more cooperation in providing the answers of the research and investigation board. to do

Chairman of the investigation board Shasta By stating that this board, in addition to investigating some macro-economic issues and violations, occurred in the sub-category of holding companies. Shastato documents related to violations such as out-of-scope expenses, purchase and donation of coins and gift cards, out-of-order appointments, out-of-order advertising and media expenses, past-due claims of companies, property clearing, legal cases with multiple margins and Unusual payments to lawyers and legal advisors, benefits received by a number of company managers, unnecessary foreign missions during the years 1392 to 1400 have been accessed, and the file is being completed in order to report to the parliament.

Khadzarian said: Despite the fact that some violations and sometimes corruptions have occurred in some companies, which is clear in the preliminary investigations of this board. Unfortunately, it can be seen that in some cases, several internal monitoring bodies of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare and outside this ministry have entered and sent numerous reports to senior executives. Shasta In recent years, there is no effort to file a lawsuit and follow up for the return of lost rights to Beitalmal in this group, even in the 13th government, and this board, based on its duty to follow up on the omission of the current managers, will also act in not following up on some cases of violations. did

This MP added: It is expected with the establishment of the 13th government based on the slogan of fighting corruption and approach seeking justice It has come to work, with the minister’s managerial intervention in this matter regarding filing lawsuits against some delinquent managers in subsidiaries. Shasta which caused the losses to that company, but unfortunately it is observed that due to laxity in pursuing the rights of Baytalmal and filing court cases, some of the delinquent managers of the subsidiary companies Shasta With the change of responsibilities, currently in other subsidiaries of the country’s executive bodies, new management positions have been given to some relevant ministers.

The head of the investigation and investigation board from the Social Security Investment Company said: despite the legal clarity of Article 215 of the Internal Regulations of the Islamic Council regarding the cooperation of all institutions with the investigation and investigation board, it is sometimes observed that there are numerous correspondences with some supervisory agencies in order to obtain Inquiring or reflecting on some issues of violations that have occurred in the area of ​​responsibility of that supervisory body, no response has been received from the bodies yet, which we hope that this failure to perform legal duties is due to the busyness of the bodies and it will be done in the coming days, because otherwise This is the face of this board According to His legal obligation is to refer this matter to the Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Presidency of the Parliament, the Presidency of the Judiciary, and the Original Commission for administrative, legal and judicial dealings at the end of the work of the investigation board. ninety provide the constitution.

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