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Some important security warnings for Android users

Google warns users about dangerous, deceptive and misleading content with five important phrases. “Phishing and malware detection is turned on by default,” the tech giant explains. When it is on, you may see the following messages. If you see one of these messages, we recommend that you do not enter the site.

The first phrase to watch out for is: “The site ahead contains malware.” The meaning of this warning is clear. That is, if you enter the site, the cybercriminal can install dangerous content on your device.

The phrase “the site ahead is misleading” means that it could be a phishing site that forces you to enter important information and then steals your information. You may see a “suspicious site” for a site that Google thinks is dangerous.

Another danger warning from Google is that “the site ahead contains harmful programs.” This message appears if a site has the potential to install fraudulent applications on your device.

Google’s last warning phrase is “This page is trying to load scripts from unauthenticated sources.” This means that the site you are about to visit is not secure and may be hacked.

When Google warns to “download with caution” because some sites try to persuade you to install harmful software with the message that your device has a virus and you should be careful not to fall into their trap.

Source: Hamshahri Online

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