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Spokesman for the famous Amrba headquarters: Metro cars must be separated

Life group:In line with the popular demands and grievances of women regarding the presence of men in special wagons for women, we have talked to the spokesman of the headquarters for enjoining the good and forbidding the evil.

Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Ali Khan Mohammadi first states about the ban on the presence of men in women’s wagons: Almost more than one million and two hundred thousand trips are made in the subway during the day. Of course, this number was higher before and has decreased due to the coronary conditions in the country. The subway cars are for women and the middle car is for men. At present, there is no law prohibiting the presence of women in men’s wagons and vice versa, but social rights and sharia and religious issues require that this issue be observed.

In response to what the headquarters has done to resolve this issue, Ms. Mohammadi says: “We raised this issue in a conversation we had with the Metro’s cultural deputy at the headquarters for enjoining the good and forbidding the evil.” There are plans to create wagons for women and children. The issue of separating men and women wagons was also raised at the meeting. In the design of the new model of subway cars, this separation is to be done more seriously. Even some men have a problem with the presence of women in the men’s wagon. This is not related to a specific class and is a public demand. If the separation is done correctly, the number of wagons will increase and culture will be created. God willing, we will not see these problems anymore. As in intercity trains, this separation is done and wagons are designed for women, men and families.

The spokesman of the headquarters for enjoining the good and forbidding the evil states regarding the time of implementation of this project: The implementation of this project by the Tehran metro is being pursued, but the problem is weak supervision over the metro organization. Metro culture, the police do not have a serious presence in the metro and do not do much activity. For example, the discovery of hijab is done as an anomaly in the subway and no action is taken against it by the agents. We need stronger supervision and a more serious police presence in the metro, but not only in times of crisis!

Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Ali Khan Mohammadi says in the end: “Currently, only products and goods are advertised in the metro environment. The metro environmental capacity should be used in order to create culture and more cultural work should be done.”

End of message /

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