Telegram was equipped with “audio and video messages that can be viewed once”.

Telegram introduced one-time viewable images and videos in one-to-one conversations in September 2023. Now the company has extended this feature to voice and video messages. In addition, Telegram has offered the ability to stop and resume audio and video message recording through the same menu.
The popular messenger has also added a way for people to see when a recipient has read their message in one-on-one private conversations, according to Aetna from Isna. This feature can be disabled in the settings.
The company has also introduced new features for paid users. Now paid Telegram users can hide when they read a private message, but if they have shared a message publicly, they can see it.
Additionally, paid users can choose who can send them messages first. They can choose “Everyone” or “My audience and paid user”.
Last month, Telegram introduced new features for better channel discovery and customization, and then the same month, it introduced improved calls with end-to-end encryption that uses less battery power.
According to the website TechCrunch, Telegram also updated its bot platform to allow bots to react to messages, manage reactions, and send messages to conversations or other topics.