InternationalMiddle East

Terrorist groups are profit-seeking norms

According to IRNA, Omid Maleki, a professor of international relations, said at the meeting on the roots of violence and extremism: “International law today is on a critical path in resolving the conflicts caused by terrorism.” On the one hand, the great governments, as the main actors in the international arena, call themselves preachers of universal values ​​such as freedom, equality and justice, and on the other hand, with their covert and overt support for the institutional formulations of terrorism, terrorist organizations They have become active and influential in the international system.
He continued in this meeting, which was held today, Sunday, in cooperation with the Association for the Defense of Victims of Terrorism, Allameh Tabatabai University, University of Tehran and the Cultural Center of Nations: These organizations are being brutally puppetized.
“As long as the role of these groups as promoters of the goals of the world powers is not stopped, we will not see any effective international determination to stop these terrorist acts,” he said.
Maliki described these terrorist groups as complex and explained: “They are unpredictable and self-sufficient. They are insatiable. They are profitable norms.
In another part of his speech, he emphasized: Statistics show that only in the first two decades of the twentieth century, ie between 2000 and 2020, the terrorist acts of these groups resulted in the death of more than 126,000 civilians and the imposition of more than $ 880 billion has been spent directly on the world economy.
Maliki said: “These statistics confirm that in 2014 alone, the bloodiest year in the world in terms of terrorist acts, more than 33,000 civilians lost their lives and the lives of these groups during the year exceeded 111 billion.” The dollar has cost the world economy.
He continued: ‌ To better understand the economics of terrorism, it is enough to know that the cost imposed by terrorist groups on the world economy over two decades based on economic indicators in 2021 is estimated at 1075 billion dollars. 2 million barrels of oil per oil economy per day.
The international relations professor added in another part of his speech: The fact that the people of the Middle East have paid 50% of the total cost of terrorism in the world over two decades cannot be easily overlooked.
He continued: “Research has shown that 90% of the countries where terrorism is rampant are countries where national conflicts are taking place and 96% of the victims of terrorism around the world are residents of these lands.”
“Terrorism, in other words, is in the context of national disintegration, which is recruited, financed, grown, and developed with the help of various media tools, and this is the secret of the support of Western powers for the creation and then development of disruptions,” Maliki said. It is national in all countries, including Iran.

The secretary of the meeting on the roots of violence and extremism also said: “Violence and extremism is a multifaceted phenomenon.” The great governments resort to various tools and methods to expand their domination, including the cultivation of extremist ideas and the formation of terrorist necessities.
Awesome Nejandi Manesh, a faculty member of Allameh Tabatabai University, continued: “In this regard, the role of national and international actors will be more difficult.”
He added: “In the meantime, universities and educational centers can play an important role in disclosure and education in this field.” How to live together peacefully while being different.
He pointed out: “Due to the one-dimensional and one-sided view of international issues, the international system has become inefficient and has been distrusted by nations. At the top of this system is the United Nations, and if this system becomes distrustful, naturally The basis of this system is also distrusted.
The faculty member of Allameh University stated that the view of world affairs should be comprehensive: we must find a common view and learn peaceful ways of life. The cycle of violence must be stopped because otherwise we will see more complex global issues.
He concluded: “The main problem is those who advocate for human rights but on the other hand defend extremism.”

Fereydoun Jafari, a member of the faculty of Bu-Ali University of Hamadan, pointed out that extremism is often associated with the concept of religion and fundamentalism, but the two are different from each other. While we perceive fundamentalism as the creation of extremist ideas and ideologies.
The professor of criminal law and criminology stated: The result of extremism leads to violence. In other words, there is a necessary relationship between extremism and violence, and violence is one of the most obvious effects of extremism.
He pointed out: The causes and factors for extremism have been predicted. In the meantime, however, no correct definition of extremism such as terrorism has been accepted by the global consensus. Different interpretations have been given to this phrase in order to sometimes deal with some movements and movements of independence and arrogance.
He said: “But to distinguish this issue, it should be said that violence and extremism are causes and factors such as cultural conflict among communities, rejection of cultural pluralism and diversity, long regional conflicts that can lead to extremism in the region.” Lack of cohesion and integrity, blind ignorance and nervousness, class divisions, a declining economy and devastation whose welfare levels are declining are fueling the growth of extremism.
He continued: “The polarization of the world and the fact that we divide the world into the first, second and third worlds, we automatically create a multipolarity in the world, which is due to the differences and tensions between races, nationalities and ethnicities.” Leads. Racial arrogance, lack of social cohesion and social disunity, etc. are also among the causes of extremism.
The professor of law at Bu Ali University stated: The most important solution to counter extremism is to first accept the world and provide the same definition and interpretation of this word in a way that includes the acceptance of all legal systems and sovereign countries. The second is the issuance of declarations of instruction and sometimes mandatory in the face of instances of extremism and the issuance of declarations alleging violations of human rights and referring these violations to the relevant authorities for consideration within the framework of international law. Criminalization of violent and extremist behavior is also inherent in the international community and the imposition of enforcement guarantees to combat and punish violent and extremist behavior.

Continuing the meeting, Peyman Namamian, a member of the faculty of Arak University, said: “Unilateralism and violence are not a new issue in today’s world.” In the discussion of unilateralism and violence, monolithic governments must articulate and clarify examples of this issue. Because this issue has led to a violation of international peace and security.
He added: “In the resolutions of the last five years, the United Nations has not been able to adopt an effective mechanism in the field of extremism and violence as the main mission of the Security Council.
He said: “According to many resolutions, not only the correct and clear definition of violence and extremism has not been done, but also the United Nations seeks to create the necessary space for peace in the public system.”
“Violence is not only in the field of economics, but also in the field of biology, like the problems that Corona created, such as the lack of vaccines,” said the forensic expert. In fact, the actions that should not have been taken by the vaccine countries or the recent actions in Afghanistan all indicate one-sidedness and turning it into violence.
The faculty member of Arak University stated: “So long as international politics has taken the place of international law and I would rather say no place for breathing in international law, we will not have a better situation.”
International law is influenced by international politics, and the international system is tainted with international politics.
Namamian acknowledged: “We can discover, identify and solve problems caused by extremism when we have a clear knowledge of the examples and definition of these words in the international system.”
“Cultural poverty, irrationality and illiteracy, which are rooted in a society’s misconceptions, can also lead to extremism and violence,” said Morteza Mohaqi, a faculty member at the University of Georgia in Afghanistan, noting that poverty is not just economic.
He added: “Special perceptions of religion, historical factors of cultural teachings that originate from our childhood, religious prejudices, ethnic and religious differences, etc. all affect the intensity and spread of violence and extremism.”
“Cultural factors can be effective in spreading violence, and educational systems can play a role in reducing terrorism,” said Georgia University of Afghanistan faculty member on cultural and intellectual poverty and the roots of violence and extremism. Eliminating militant and hateful content and teaching critical thinking and training to counter extremist propaganda and promoting tolerance for the opinions of others can be effective in this regard.
In the end, the researcher said: we must try to eliminate extremist and violent thinking, otherwise there are always violent people. We must strive to fight against holy ignorance.

Rev. Eddie Daniel of the Eastern Assyrian Church in Urmia and Rev. Frank Goli of the Anglican Sect of England spoke, and David Swanson, a peace and human rights activist, participated in the video.


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