The best foods for hair health

Some of the best foods for hair health are foods like eggs, leafy greens, and fatty fish that have high nutritional value. Lack of nutrients can have a negative effect on hair health.
What is the effect of lack of nutrients on hair growth? Many people want strong and healthy hair, especially as they age. However, the health and speed of hair growth depends on many factors, including age, genetics, general health, diet, medications, and environmental factors. Although some factors such as age and genetics cannot be changed, one of the factors we have more control over is diet.
Vitamins and minerals in food play an important role in the growth cycle of hair follicles and cell turnover. Consuming a diet lacking proper nutrients can lead to hair loss. Studies show that deficiencies in vitamins B12, biotin, riboflavin, iron, vitamin D and other nutrients are associated with hair loss. Following a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals may promote hair growth; Especially if your hair loss is caused by a lack of micronutrients. Of course, in this case, you can also use hair strengthening pills.
Although more research is needed to understand the link between hair loss and micronutrient deficiencies, it’s best to make sure you’re getting enough of these 13 foods that we’ll introduce below.
What we read in this article
Eggs, the best food for hair
Eggs are a rich source of protein and biotin. These two nutrients are essential for hair growth. Eating enough protein is important for hair growth because hair follicles are made mostly of protein. Biotin is essential for the production of hair protein (keratin). This is why biotin is used in many hair supplements and people use biotin pills.
Research has also shown that biotin can help improve hair growth in people with biotin deficiency. Eggs are also a good source of zinc, selenium and other nutrients for hair health; Which makes it one of the best foods for hair health.
Berries are rich in beneficial compounds and vitamins that contribute to hair health. One of these vitamins is vitamin C, which is rich in antioxidant properties. Antioxidants can prevent hair follicles from being damaged by free radicals. For example, one cup of strawberries (144 grams) has 85 mg of vitamin C or 113% of the daily requirement of this vitamin.
Vitamin C is also used to produce collagen. Collagen is a protein that helps strengthen hair and prevents hair dryness and brittleness. In addition, vitamin C helps the body absorb dietary iron. Iron deficiency and the resulting anemia can lead to hair loss.
Spinach, the best hair strengthening food
Spinach is a healthy and useful vegetable, rich in important nutrients such as folate, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C, all of which are essential for hair growth and health. Studies show that vitamin A is important for hair growth. Of course, taking too much of it may lead to hair loss. One cup (30 grams) of spinach provides about 20% of the daily requirement of vitamin A. Spinach is also an excellent plant source of iron. Iron helps the red blood cells to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body to support the body’s metabolism.
Fish is one of the best foods for hair health
Fatty fish like salmon have nutrients that are beneficial for hair growth. These fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Consuming omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids helps to reduce hair loss and increase hair density. Also, these fish are a good source of protein, vitamin D, selenium and B vitamins, which are essential in maintaining hair health. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with hair loss. If you are deficient in this vitamin, use vitamin D tablets.
Avocado is nutritious and a source of healthy fats. It is also an excellent source of vitamin E. Vitamin E supports hair growth. A medium avocado provides about 28% of your daily requirement of vitamin E. Vitamin E, like vitamin C, is an antioxidant that prevents damage caused by oxidative stress. Vitamin E also prevents skin damage, such as the scalp from oxidative stress damage. Damage to the scalp can lead to the destruction of hair follicles and hair loss. If you lack vitamin E, don’t forget to buy vitamin E tablets.
the brains
Nuts are delicious and contain a variety of nutrients that are essential for hair growth. For example, 28 grams of almonds provide 48% of your daily vitamin E needs. In addition, nuts provide a wide range of B vitamins, zinc and essential fatty acids. Deficiency of any of these micronutrients can cause hair loss. In addition to hair growth, consuming brains is associated with other health benefits, including reducing inflammation and the risk of heart disease.
Seeds are rich in nutrients and low in calories. Many of these nutrients, such as zinc, selenium and vitamin E, are involved in maintaining hair health. In addition, many seeds, such as chia seeds and flax seeds, also provide omega-3 fatty acids. Two tablespoons of ground flaxseed provides 4.7 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. This amount of omega-3 fatty acid is more than the omega-3 found in half a salmon fillet. If you do not consume enough fish, it is better to buy omega-3 tablets from the pharmacy.
Beans are an excellent source of plant protein. Beans are also a good source of zinc, which is essential for the hair growth and repair cycle. In addition to zinc, beans contain iron, biotin, and folate, which help maintain healthy hair. Beans are versatile and readily available, and adding them to your diet is easy.
Soy, one of the foods for hair health
Studies have shown that compounds in soy can help hair growth. One of these compounds Spermidine It is abundantly found in soy. According to the results of a study, spermidine prolongs the active hair growth phase (anagen). The longer the hair follicle stays in the anagen phase, the more it will grow.
Meat is the main part of many people’s diet and it can also help hair growth. The protein in meat is effective in repairing and strengthening hair follicles. Red meat is rich in a type of iron that is easily absorbed. Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body, including hair follicles. It is good to know that lack of protein and iron in the body can lead to hair loss.
A final word about the best foods for hair health
The foods you eat affect the health and beauty of your hair. Lack of proper nutrients including vitamins A, C, E, D, zinc, B vitamins, iron, biotin, protein and essential fatty acids may slow down hair growth or even cause hair loss. Fortunately, compensating for the deficiency of any of these nutrients can help treat hair loss and increase hair growth.
In this article from the online positive green pharmacy magazine, you were with us by introducing the best foods for hair health. If you feel that you do not have a healthy diet or if it seems difficult to include these foods in your diet, we suggest you to buy anti-hair loss and strengthening pills. By taking hair strengthening supplements, you ensure that you get enough micronutrients.