Banking and insuranceEconomical

The Board of Directors of Dey Insurance Company was held

The presence of the CEO, deputies and managers of headquarters and branches:

During the meeting, which in addition to staff managers, branch managers across the country were also present online, Abbas Ali Bani Safar, a member of the company’s board of directors, pointed out the importance of organizational cohesion: Today, “organizational cohesion” has become the dominant culture in insurance. All members of the board of directors are in line with the good implementation of the company’s grand plans and the realization of pre-determined plans is the result of empathy at the top of the company’s management pyramid, which has spread to the organization level.
In the continuation of this meeting, Mohammad Reza Keshavarz, CEO of Bimeh Dey, attributed the achievements of this company to the efforts and capabilities of all elements of the organization and considered the move towards new goals and objectives as the key to future success.
Referring to the development of new strategies of the company, Keshavarz said: “Rearranging the organizational structure, paying attention to innovative business models and a special approach to customer satisfaction will be the competitive advantages of D-Insurance in the future.”
The Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dey Insurance expressed his hope that by making the processes smarter in all areas, the company will be a leader in the country’s insurance industry.

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