
The car was also pledged – Trade News

According to Tejarat News, according to the Judiciary Media Center, the circular of the Attorney General’s Office to the Central and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Offices states:

According to the reports received and the inspections carried out, a large number of the criminal population of the prisoners are people who are sent to the penitentiary for a short period of time, and a significant number of these defendants due to inability to introduce a guarantor or bail. Administrative or symmetry with the holidays and prolongation of the process of introducing real collateral and its evaluation and seizure procedures, are introduced to the prison, so it is appropriate to facilitate the process of accepting security and avoid detention of defendants due to inability to introduce a guarantor or cash bail or Immovable and in line with the application of paragraph (i) of Article 217 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, recalling the note of Article 226 of this law, to accept the introduced documents of the type of movable property such as car and و and in the case of car if its normal value is recognized The judicial authority shall satisfy the amount of the bail issued by referring the guarantor and considering the valid documents and proving his ownership, a seizure order shall be issued and the vehicle with the responsibility of the guarantor shall be introduced to the authorized parking lots and the relevant receipt shall be issued. Obviously, in this case, the provisions of Article 220 of the Code of Criminal Procedure regarding the conversion of security, whether bail or surety, will also apply.

The head of the Prisons Organization also said in a meeting with staff and provincial managers across the country about this circular: In a circular to judicial colleagues on issuing bail, the Attorney General introduced new cases regarding the use of cars and movable property as collateral They have considered that it can create new conditions for reducing the criminal population.

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