
The condition of taxing luxury houses was announced – Tejaratnews

According to Tejarat News, during the review of the budget of 1402 in the public hearing, some provisions were referred to the Budget Consolidation Commission to clear the ambiguities and for further investigation. We read the approvals of the commission members:

Resolution of the Consolidation Commission to levy taxes on luxury houses

One of the referral provisions of the issue of tax collection from luxury houses was referred to the consolidation commission, and the members determined this single article as a task.

In this meeting, clause (z) of Note 6 of the budget bill was amended, the members of the commission approved in this clause that luxury houses with a price of more than 20 billion tomans will be subject to a tax of two per thousand.

This resolution is not related to all residential units and it is related to luxury houses whose price is over 20 billion tomans, so these luxury houses are subject to tax in excess of 20 billion tomans.

According to this report, paragraph (z) of note six was amended as follows; “Luxury houses and non-gentrified lands with residential, office and commercial use and permitted garden villas, including (arsa and gentry), whose current value is more than 200 billion Rials; Excess of this amount will be taxed at the rate of two per thousand. The executive regulations of this paragraph will be prepared by the government within two months after the approval of this law.

The conditions for businesses to enjoy a tax discount

According to this report, Mehdi Taghiani, a member of the Consolidation Commission, referring to the meeting of the Consolidation Commission, following the review of the reference materials of the budget bill of 1402, said: During the meeting of the Consolidation Commission, Clause (l) Note (6) of the budget bill was amended.

He added: This clause suspended the ruling of Note (7) of Article (105) and Note (113) of the Direct Taxes Law, therefore, Note (7) of Article (105) emphasizes that if a person comes and submits a tax declaration, that is, a 10% declaration For every 10% of the income, 1% discount will be given to that person, which was considered for normal conditions.

He emphasized: However, the government had stated in its bill that this issue should be completely suspended, but the Consolidation Commission approved that the 10% included in the law should be changed to 20%, which means that every 20% increase in declared income is subject to a 1% discount. will be taxed.

The member of the Consolidation Commission further pointed to the amendment of clause (n) of note (6) which referred to the import duties of machinery, equipment, parts and intermediate raw materials for production, industry, mining and agriculture, and said: Previously, knowledge-based companies were exempted from import customs duties. Machinery and equipment were exempt. But in 1400, when the knowledge-based production leap law came into effect, one of these sectors was excluded from the exemption and their customs duties were included at 4%, while the exchange rate of 4,200 tomans had changed to the ETS rate, which is 23,000 tomans. And this issue imposed a staggering cost on the production units, so the consolidation commission changed this customs duty from 4% to 1% based on its resolution.

Taghiani stated: According to this resolution, these customs duties will include machinery and equipment, parts and intermediate raw materials for production, industry, mining and agriculture.

Resolution of the Consolidation Commission on the tax exemption of press, Quranic activities and media institutions

Also, in the meeting of the Consolidation Commission, part 3 of paragraph (3) of Note 6 of the budget bill, which is related to creating transparency and reforming the policy on tax exemptions, was amended. The commission in its meeting amended and emphasized this part of the budget bill; The annual income tax exemption for persons subject to paragraph (l) of Article (139) of the Direct Taxes Law, with the exception of publishing, press, Quran activities and media institutions licensed by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, is at most 4 times the tax ceiling of Article 84 of the aforementioned law, and the excess Accordingly, it is subject to tax at the rate of the direct taxes law.

In this paragraph, the listed activities are exempted from paying tax, and for other affairs that exceed four times the ceiling, tax is charged.

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