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The court hearing the King Money case was held with more than 4,000 plaintiffs/fraud of more than 107 million euros from the losers.

According to the report of Fars news agency’s judicial group, citing the media center of the Judiciary, the court hearing the case known as the King Money cryptocurrency on charges of fraud with the presence of the defendants, a group of defendants and their lawyers, headed by Judge Javad Ghiashi, in the second branch of the special court for dealing with crimes. Economy of Tehran province was held.

At the beginning of the court session, Judge Ghiathi said: At the appointed time, the trial of the so-called King Money cryptocurrency case has been held in the second branch of the special court for dealing with economic crimes.

He went on to say: In this court session, the first-tier defendant Fereydoun of the Mashhad victims, the second-tier defendant Seyedah Shahre Mousavi, the fifth-tier defendant Shida the Mashhad victims and their lawyers are present in the court.

He added: the accused Farshid and Farnoosh, the victims of Mashhad, Seyyed Mohammad Reza Meshkoh Razavi, Masoud Ghorbani and Masoumeh Ebrahimi are absconding and indictments have been issued for these people.

Then, in the continuation of the court session, the indictment was read by the prosecutor’s representative, Mohammad Samadi, by order of the judge.

The prosecutor’s representative read the indictment and said: The defendants are accused of participating in a network fraud that disrupts the country’s economic system through the creation of a fake currency called King Money and the distribution of fake currency among the people (case complaints) and making cards. Lack of credit in the name of Boost Card and taking at least 200 euros to receive this fake card to buy from the alleged stores that do not have a foreign presence to supply goods by providing Boost Card.

The prosecutor’s representative stated: The defendants, while creating a fake King Money currency and promoting it among customers, turned the mentioned currency into a common currency in the fake Ubite exchange and registered the names of the users who bought the currency in Georgia. The defendants then advertised widely about the high profit of buying King Money fake currency, and in this way, they have progressed to the point that in the middle of the defendants’ activity, this fake currency is higher than the price of Bitcoin digital currency, which is bought and sold as real currency all over the world. goes. Customers used to buy this fake currency by moving bitcoin, euro or dollar and by depositing cash to the account of Badran Gostar company to the managing director of the second-tier accused and to the chairman of the board of directors of the first-tier accused, they bought King Money crypto currency. The defendants of the third to eighth tier, despite their knowledge and information, have been actively involved in the fraudulent actions of the first and second tier defendants and have earned money from this information.

Samadi said: Considering all the documents and contents of the case and taking into account the existence of reasons including the complaint of the complaints as described in the attached sheets of 4 thousand 146 people, the opinion of the board of experts in the field of computers and information technology and computer crimes dated 16 April 1401, which Due to the lack of authenticity of the King Money cryptocurrency and its fakeness, the first and second tier defendants were both the main shareholders of the company (Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director) at the time of the start of the activity of the fake Ubite exchange.

The prosecutor’s representative stated: The fourth reason is that Badran company and the fake Youbyte exchange are completely connected and aligned, and the fake Ubyte exchange that converts the fake currency of King Money was completely born and created by the Badran Gostaran company. The responsibility of the first and second tier defendants has been. Also, the expert theory of the General Director of Judicial Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Information dated 24 May 1401 indicates that the King Money currency is fake. The defendants of the first, second, and fifth tiers had the main role in preparing fake currency, and the sixth tier defendant was responsible for the programming of King Money fake currency and a total amount of 107,305,000 Euros through the production and distribution of King Money fake currency from Shakat. taken by the accused.

Samadi stated: The sixth reason of the supplementary theory of the expert panel in the field of information technology and computer crimes is that the defendants stole the amount of 107,305,000 Euros from Shakat by preparing and distributing King Money fake currency and network fraud in this way, confiscation of fake currency. King Money, since the arrest of the first and second tier defendants and the lack of supply and demand of this fake currency, which indicates that it was created by the Badran Gostaran company, is under the management of the first and second tier defendants and its distribution between the named parties.

The prosecutor’s representative further said: The development of network fraud by the first and second tier defendants in neighboring countries, in addition to creating a fake King Money currency and distributing it among the nationals of these countries, and creating a fake Boost Card and distributing it among the named people in order to buy half price from fake chain stores. that its external existence was not realized except for a few days of advertising.

After the reading of the indictment, the prosecutor’s representative explained further and said: At the beginning of the matter, a case was filed with the complaint of 10 people, but after we found out that Badran Gostar company committed a network fraud, the case was referred from the prosecution branch to the investigation branch. became.

He continued: After the investigation started, the number of complaints increased day by day, as this process continues.

Pointing to the increase in the number of complaints and the second indictment of the case, Samadi said: the current criminal complaint has 4,100 plaintiffs, and the second criminal complaint has 1,300 plaintiffs, and in order to add complaints, another indictment may be added to it.

The prosecutor’s representative stated: Currently, the properties of the accused have been identified and the necessary measures have been taken. The property of the defendants is seized, so there is a possibility that the defendants can get their property.

He stated about the fakeness of the King Money currency: the case was investigated due to the multi-party nature and the dispute over whether it was fake or not, and in this context, inquiries were made from various institutions, including the official experts of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Information, and after Investigations of both entities stated that this cryptocurrency is fake.

Samadi stated: With the many maneuvers and advertisements of the defendants in the case, the price of the King Money cryptocurrency increased and a large purchase was made by the people, but unfortunately, after it became clear that this cryptocurrency was fake, its economic value fell and caused regret. It became the property of many people.

In the end, he said: “According to the situation, we demand severe punishment from the court for the accused in this case.”

Also, in this court session, 29 lawyers from Mashhad and 18 people (12 men and 6 women) from the third case of King Money took the stand and expressed their requests regarding the handling of this case.

In this court session, Shakat demanded the presence of other defendants in the case and their accountability and speeding up the process of handling the case.

One of the plaintiffs in the case demanded that the issue of experts be investigated more carefully because he claimed that there are flaws in the expert process of the case.

Another plaintiff appeared in the court and asked the court clerk to calculate the lost property of the losers at the daily rate according to the existing inflation.

Another request of the plaintiff present in the court session was that in order to prevent fraud in the field of cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to consider severe punishment for the defendants of these types of cases.

The first session of the court was held in two sessions, morning and evening, and lasted for about 5 hours. Judge Ghayashi announced the end of today’s meeting by announcing that the time of the next meeting will be announced later.

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