
The details of how to supply surplus government property in the capital market were announced – Tejaratnews

According to Tejarat News, Majid Eshghi, head of the Securities and Exchange Organization, said about the supply of surplus property in the capital market productivity plan: a productivity committee has been formed, and the stock exchange organization is one of its members. They are supposed to use the mechanisms of the capital market and sell their goods according to the regulations of the stock exchange.

He continued: This process has two stages. First, the organizations supply their surplus property in coordination with the privatization organization and the production board; But if the organization does not do this, the privatization organization and the production board will make the supply according to the powers it has, and natural and legal persons can buy.

According to this report, the Executive Regulations of Government Assets Generation of the Supreme Board of Government Assets Generation in the meeting of 21st of January of this year at the joint proposal of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance and the Country Planning and Budget Organization and based on part 6 paragraph 2 of the resolution of the 67th Supreme Council of Economic Coordination , Was approved.

According to the aforementioned regulations, the Ministry of Economy and Finance through the Privatization Organization is responsible for the implementation of the board’s approvals. Identifying the surplus assets of the participating institutions, proposing a list of surplus assets to the board, proposing a method of generating surplus assets by obtaining opinions from the participating institutions, preparing a list and determining the task of half-finished construction projects jointly with the country’s program and budget organization by obtaining opinions from the institutions It is included and… among the duties of the executive of this regulation.

Based on this, it has been announced that efforts are being made to sell surplus properties in the capital market.

Source: ISNA

To read more capital market news; Read the transparent platform for the production of government property.

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