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The details of the 20th Roshd Book Festival were announced – Mehr News Agency Iran and world’s news

Abbas Mirza Hosseini, in a conversation with Mehr reporter about the details of this festival, added: The books presented in the topics of thinking group, memoirs, children’s and adolescent stories, minors, adolescent stories, knowledge enhancement, psychology, poetry, applied sciences, culture and art We have special priorities for illustration, social studies and religious studies.

Explaining the titles of the books that were given in this festival, he said: Books with titles A kissable hand In the three categories of honoring mothers, honoring teachers, and books of martyrs, the narratives of mothers, wives, and female martyrs are presented. Books with the title our victory In four sub-categories, the narration of the progress of the revolution, creating hope and avoiding blackness, strengthening the spirit of we can, and self-esteem and drawing a bright horizon for the future of the country are introduced. Books with the title bright In the four sub-categories of explanation jihad, promoting and explaining the discourse and ideal of the revolution, the narrative of the West without retouching / the decline of Western civilization / women in the West, the history of colonialism / anti-arrogance and the narration of historical events such as the Gohar Shad mosque incident are introduced.

The secretary of the 20th Roshd Book Festival added: Books in the title The pride of Iran On the subject of Iranian-Islamic heroes, heroes and role models, such as: Martyrs from the beginning of Islam to the present day, martyrs of holy defense, nuclear, shrine defenders, jihadists, resistance front, people who make waves in the history of Islam, companions of the Prophet, companions of Amir al-Momineen such as Mukhtar, Abu Dhar, Salman And the influential people in the history of Iran, such as Mirza Kochch Khan, Rais Ali Delwari, Madras, Sheikh Fazlullah, Ayatollah Kashani, Sattar Khan and Baqer Khan.

He mentioned the titles of other books presented in the 20th Roshd Book Festival custom of life stated and said: Iranian Islamic lifestyle with the focus on martyrs, innocents, etc., and religious models and examples, in addition to prophets and innocents, Mrs. Zeinab Salamullah, Mrs. Fatimah Masoumeh, Hazrat Maryam, Asia, Hajar, etc., stories about hijab and chastity and ways to communicate With God are among these books.

The secretary of the 20th Rushd Book Festival added: 3,500 books were submitted to the Educational Research and Planning Organization from June last year to June this year to receive the Rushd badge. Out of this number, 1382 books managed to receive the growth mark and out of this number, 650 books got the necessary rating for evaluation in the 20th book festival.

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