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The educational action of teachers does not need a letter – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr’s reporter, a specialized meeting of primary education deputies across the country was held this evening in Tehran’s Shahid Bahonar camp.

Masoumeh Najafi Pazuki, deputy of primary education of the Ministry of Education, in this meeting, honoring three knowledge the learner Martyr in a terrorist incident Shah-Cheragh He said: We made a promise to each other in the elementary deputy group to move on the path of Quran and Islam.

He stated that we have lost a lot of time so far; He said: We made a promise to do our affairs together. First, we must focus on academic issues. Second, there is no need for letters in educational matters, and third, our relations in the primary vice-chancellor will no longer be pyramidal.

Najafi stated that in the field of focusing on educational issues, we focused on the ability of teachers, and said: We took immediate action for the first grade. We prepared an educational package for teachers in November. We believe that this package will change the basis of language learning because it is up-to-date. The mind of knowledge the learner It is preparing to be more inclusive in the following years.

Referring to the need to pay attention to the survivors of the education, Najafi Pazouki said: Another action that was taken in these two days of the scientific meeting and panel We paid special attention to the issue of education for survivors of education.

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