The eight important steps in the issue of a successful and stable marriage were explained – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

Shahreh Dasht Pima said in an interview with Mehr reporter: “Marriage is the most important event in life for humans, and its main function is the feeling of happiness that everyone seeks after marriage.”
The expert of the Health Department of Adolescents, Youth and Schools of Khuzestan Health Center stated that “successful marriage” is the best opportunity to experience lasting happiness and added: This feeling is created for a person when he can choose the right person for his wife with the right decision.
He stated: Several important and fundamental factors play a role in a successful marriage, paying attention to them leads to more trust and confidence in choosing a spouse and a successful marriage; Of course, the greater the role of these factors in choosing the right person as a spouse, the greater the probability of success in marriage, and the opposite is true.
Dasht Pima continued to consider eight steps as necessary for a successful marriage and explained: awareness of marriage and motivation are two important principles in the first step of marriage, as long as a person marries consciously, it means that he knows what he is looking for in his life and the lives of others. and has the right motivation for this, he takes the first step of marriage well.
He announced the second step as “having the right conditions for marriage” and added: the prerequisite for a successful marriage is having the right conditions for marriage. Any person who has three suitable conditions for marriage can take the second step of a successful marriage. It is necessary to have all the right conditions together for a successful marriage.
Explaining the conditions suitable for marriage
An expert from the Department of Adolescent, Youth and School Health at the Khuzestan Health Center explained the suitable conditions for marriage and said: The first factor is having the necessary conditions; Necessary conditions mean having mental and personal health, in other words, having basic, obvious and main conditions for marriage, a person must be prepared in terms of personality, finances, career and behavior.
He added: The second step for proper marriage conditions is sufficient conditions; Adequate conditions mean paying attention to personal criteria, interests and ideals for choosing a spouse. It is possible that the opposite person has the necessary conditions but not sufficient conditions, sufficient conditions means an emotional and emotional desire for the other party; Therefore, according to the feelings, emotions of the person and checking the mutual emotional desire. Adequate conditions such as physical and personal attractiveness are different from one person to another.
Dasht Pima stated about the third factor of suitable conditions for marriage: the right conditions are also considered as a requirement for suitable conditions for marriage; The right reasons include necessary conditions, sufficient conditions, and a set of conditions such as personal preparation, awareness of marriage and married life, thinking, correct evaluation, and life plans based on realism; Therefore, the right condition is a comprehensive evaluation of necessary conditions and sufficient conditions based on the correct existence of those conditions.
Declaring that having the right and logical reasons for marriage is the third step for a successful marriage, he added: Starting and doing any important work requires the right and logical reasons to achieve the desired result, the right reasons are one of the important steps for marriage. .
The expert of the Adolescent, Youth and School Health Department of Khuzestan Health Center continued: When a person has the right reasons for marriage, he steps on the path of choosing the right one and finding a worthy person. Therefore, paying attention to the reasons of people in marriage is a good predictor of right or wrong choice and a successful or unsuccessful marriage.
Dasht Pima continued to consider “personal preparation” as the fourth step for a successful marriage and said: “Personal preparation is one of the most important factors in a successful marriage, which leads to the ability to choose and make the right decision.”
The expert of the adolescent, youth and school health department of Khuzestan Health Center continued: Whoever is prepared will be on the right path and step. The most important preparations in personal preparation include physical, mental, sexual, financial, social, emotional and emotional communication.
He stated that family preparation is important and is considered the fifth step for a successful marriage, and added: considering that marriage takes place in the heart of the family and people have a lot of communication with each other’s families during the marriage process and after marriage, the role of Family preparation is very effective in helping to create and form a successful marriage.
The expert of the adolescent, youth and school health department of Khuzestan Health Center said: Family preparation is of particular importance in terms of family financial status, family satisfaction and acceptance, and the absence of tension in the family atmosphere.
The need to acquire the necessary and basic skills for your spouse
Dasht Pima stated: Choosing a suitable person for a spouse is considered the sixth step for a successful and stable marriage, which includes 2 important factors; The first factor is a person’s attraction and desire, which includes emotional and emotional desire, physical attraction, sexual desire, and the desire to communicate.
The expert of the adolescent, youth and school health department of Khuzestan Health Center said: “Knowledge” is the second factor in choosing a suitable spouse, which includes knowing oneself and knowing the other party.
He considered having or acquiring the necessary and basic skills of having a wife as the seventh step for a successful marriage and emphasized: the requirement for a successful marriage is that a person has some basic skills of having a wife to start and continue married life.
Dasht Pima added: At the beginning of the joint life, due to the existence of differences and the lack of complete knowledge of each other, small and large tensions will arise, those who have the skills of having a wife, manage these challenging situations well They take an opportunity to create more attachment and interest between themselves and their spouses.
Regarding the importance of the eighth step for a successful marriage, he said: Elders, elders, confidants and expert counselors in the field of pre-marriage evaluate the dimensions and personality traits of people according to their experience and expertise.
Dasht Pima added: these investigations can increase an important part of the parties’ knowledge of each other in the marriage process; Therefore, an important part of people’s cognition from the hidden, obvious, simple or psychological and personality complexities is determined in this way.
Remembering that the path to a successful marriage is full of wrong paths, he clarified: if we move in the wrong direction, we will make a wrong choice and we will choose a person who will be an unsuitable spouse and we will not be able to bring peace and happiness to each other.
The expert of the adolescent, youth and school health department of Khuzestan Health Center added: We have a complete and valuable road map to find a suitable wife. A compass that shows the right way so that people don’t go astray; Therefore, paying attention to the eight steps can have a great effect in creating motivation for marriage, making sure to find a worthy spouse, a stable and successful marriage, and preventing failed marriages.