The establishment of the Bank of Talents Treasury in Tehran Municipality/ the process of obtaining the license of electronic service offices is facilitated

Fars News Agency, Shahri Group: The elections of the 6th city and village council were held on June 28 last year. This election coincided with the presidential election and the people of Tehran voted decisively for the list of the Islamic Revolution Coalition Council and the activities of 21 people in the list. The activities of the 6th city council in the capital city started almost from the middle of August last year, and their most important priority, which was the election of the mayor, was also carried out.
In their second session, the members of the 6th council elected “Alireza Zakani” as the mayor of Tehran with 18 votes out of 21 votes. After a month, Alireza Zakani’s sentence was announced by the Minister of Interior Dolat Raisi and he officially started his work in Tehran Municipality on 11th of Shahrivar. Now one year has passed since the activity of urban management and during this period urban management has entered in different areas and changes have been formed in the municipality in the form of administrative transformation.
About various issues in the field of modernization and administrative transformation of Tehran municipality, including changing the structure, organization and missions of the municipality, transparency system, creating a QR code for all municipal employees, changing the bylaws of the electronic service offices, modifying the procedures in the Article 100 Commission, the National Permits Portal, etc. . With Mohammad Ali Alfatpour, head of Tehran Municipality’s Administrative Transformation and Modernization Center We had a discussion, the details of which are as follows:
What are the most important programs and priorities in the center of renovation and administrative transformation of Tehran municipality?
About a year and a few months have passed since the establishment of the Tehran Municipality Administrative Transformation and Renovation Center, and I have been working in this organization for about eight months. The main work and programs in this organization is the discussion of process improvement. According to Alireza Zakani, the mayor of Tehran, the main need of the city is to correct the processes in the municipality in order to provide services to the citizens quickly and accurately. Therefore, reforming the processes in this organization is on the agenda as a priority.
4 main priorities of Tehran municipality/the story of the popularization project of the city administration
What is the story of the popularization plan of the city administration and what programs are going to be implemented in Tehran municipality in this field?
You see, in general, one of the main priorities of Tehran Municipality is smartening, sustainable financing, popularization and the use of national capacities. do We have talked with many experts, a conference was held in this field, and the specialized vice-chairs at five levels have investigated this matter. Now we have special plans for people’s participation in urban affairs, which will be implemented in the coming months.
Identification of one hundred bottlenecks of corruption and systemic inefficiency
How is the reform of the structure and processes considered in order to fight corruption in the municipality?
We have started actions with research and academic centers to improve the structure, processes and transparency. Based on this, we considered more than one hundred bottlenecks that can cause corruption and system inefficiency, such as the issue of issuing a license, because the issue of issuing a license is one of the most important issues and processes that, if not paid special attention to, can also cause corruption. It also creates too much discretionary authority for decisions, for example, there are about 129 steps for the issue of licensing, which we are reducing logically to below 70 steps. Currently, it takes more than 360 days to issue a license, and we have been trying to eliminate about 60 to 70 arbitrary steps to avoid delaying time and forming golden signatures. Most of these works will be done by the end of this year, and the issuance of permits will take from one year to two months.
In the case of Article 100 and Article 5 commissions, mechanisms are being prepared with the cooperation of the private and public sectors, and this issue is also in our priority for reform. There are many cases left in the Article 100 Commission, and with the increase of the branches of this commission, we can witness the acceleration and facilitation of serving and processing people’s cases. A plan for this matter is being prepared in the parliament, but we have also entered into the discussion of the structure of these offices in order to provide better services. Also, the modification of procedures and processes within Tehran municipality, such as the modification of waste mechanisms, has also been considered.
We have changed the regulations of the electronic service offices/the regulations will be unveiled soon
It is said that the regulations of electronic service offices are changing, tell us about the details of these changes.
We have changed the bylaws of electronic service offices and the new bylaws will be unveiled soon. Activity in electronic service offices should not create a monopoly, therefore, in order to increase the issuance of licenses for the operation of these offices, we have facilitated the conditions in terms of reality and law. Now there are about one hundred electronic service offices in Tehran, and their number should be increased.
The mechanism of the processes should be modified and the expert should not have much contact with the client. In other words, documents should be delivered and other mechanisms should be done electronically. Currently, the annual income of one hundred electronic service offices of the city is about 3 thousand billion tomans, which is a small part of the income of these offices for the municipality, and much more than 3 thousand billion tomans goes out of people’s pockets through brokers, and issues such as bribery and… It is considered in the name of the municipality that corruption and abuse will be prevented by making the processes electronic.
77 titles and 51 headings in the transparency system
What is the news about the transparency system and how have the plans progressed?
The transparency system is the focus of the administrative transformation and modernization center of Tehran Municipality. The transparency site did not have a specific trustee before. 77 titles and 51 chapters that have legal approval will be updated in the coming months. Of course, 30 indicators have been updated in the new period. There are also differences on some issues, especially the publication of information related to people’s privacy, and we must reach an understanding in this regard.
Setting up the national license portal
Where did the establishment of the national license portal go and how many businesses does the municipality license?
You see, the Ministry of Security has been pursuing the establishment of the national license portal in the municipality for more than three years before the new era, and Tehran Municipality has now started serious planning to issue licenses to 22 businesses in various fields, and soon they will implement these licenses based on the standards of the Ministry of Economy. Issuing licenses for businesses from car food to kindergartens… is now issued by Tehran municipality and these licenses are first electronic in the municipality and then it will be connected to the national license portal.
Integration of data and information in the financial and economic field
How have the strategies and programs for transformation been implemented in the financial and economic field?
We had a lack of data and information integration in the financial and economic fields. We prepared and followed up a plan that we are in the final stage of. Accordingly, from the request to the issuance of the check, everything is monitored and implemented in one mechanism, and this matter is completed by the evaluation headquarters, for example, at what stage is a project, how much budget has been allocated for it, how much physical progress has been made, and how much budget and credit have been spent so far A project has been realized and all these issues have a serious and effective effect in preventing corruption, speeding up operations and facilitating service delivery.
Launching of Tehran Municipal Process Bank
We have also set up a bank of municipal processes and identified 1093 processes for integration and electronicization. 70% of people’s referrals in municipal areas are done in 5 main processes, each of the 22 districts of Tehran, unfortunately, are doing it with the same model, which we have integrated all of them and now we have announced that they will proceed according to the single mechanism of the programs.
Design of urban service desk and cart
The city service desk and cart table have also been designed, based on this, when citizens submit their documents, they can see in the service desk system what stage their case is at and they can follow up on the necessary restrictions.
QR system in the municipality for reporting from all employees
It is said that the QR system in the municipality was designed to report from all employees, how are the details of this plan?
We have designed the QR system for all the forces and human resources of the municipality. Currently, 12,000 to 13,000 employees of the municipality are going to receive a QR code, and we designed it in such a way that this code will be installed next to the entrance door of all the employees. Accordingly, citizens can scan this code and inform us of reports, criticisms, suggestions, encouragements, etc., and we will review and analyze public reports, and if there is a violation or deficiency, the inspection organization will enter and Hopefully it will be fixed.
We considered the Qr code for bus drivers, taxi drivers, all parks and even lampposts in the next phase, for example, if people are unhappy and have a complaint, they can inform us through this code.
A new plan for the appointment of managers
What new plan has been considered for the appointment of managers and what is the story of the creation of the Bank of Talents?
In the field of selecting managers, we also considered serious programs for evaluation and assessment. Based on this, we selected 795 appointed managers in Tehran Municipality through the evaluation center. If in some cases people were nominated to be selected as managers, they were evaluated in this committee, and the cases that could not get the votes of the committee members were rejected.
Establishing the Bank of Talents Treasury in Tehran Municipality
We have plans in the administrative modernization and transformation center to identify 2,000 people in Tehran municipality as top talents and after a specialized test, form a talent bank and plan accordingly for the promotion and better employment of these people. .
In Tehran Municipality, we have 60,000 official and direct personnel and 40,000 volume and contract personnel, which is a total of about 100,000 personnel. We intend to use the forces more optimally. There is no basis for adjustment, but in any case, the employees’ salaries are paid from the people’s pockets, and the troops must have certain acceptable activities and work per 8 hours of presence in the municipality, so we have serious plans to improve the efficiency of human resources.
On the other hand, in some municipal organizations and complexes, it has been announced that there is a shortage of personnel, and we must compensate for these shortages by increasing personnel in other departments. According to global standards, for example, in the city of Istanbul, there are 40,000 direct and volume workers in the municipality, while this city also provides tourism services, but we have three times as many workers in Tehran. For some European countries, the average standard of municipal forces is 11,000 to 14,000 people, so we intend to have serious plans for the optimal use of employees.
More than 96% of the managers are among the municipal employees
In some periods, we have recruited an average of 6.5 people daily in the municipality, but in the new city administration, not even 100 people were employed in different formats, and most of the appointments were made by the municipality itself. In the new management appointments, more than 96% of the fourth and fifth level managers were among the municipal employees with high educational degrees.
The main factor behind the recent hack of the municipality
Recently, the mayor of Tehran has announced the launch of several systems in the municipality. What sectors are these systems for, and is non-active defense planned for them?
We have about 20 systems in the modernization center that we are following up for launch. Detailed follow-ups are being done in this field as well, and for example, we have started special works in the field of municipal document management. We carry out work for the electronicization of missions, and the issues of safety or defense or reducing cyber risks are the responsibility of organizations such as the Municipal Information Technology Organization and other cyber and security institutions of the country.
The infrastructure architecture in the municipal information technology organization is old, and this architecture has not been strengthened and updated for maybe 10 years, and it was the main cause of the recent hack, and now serious and new programs have begun to update the technological infrastructure of Tehran.
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