The fifth round of obscure coding competitions will be held

According to the report received by Aetna, Sharif Information Technology Group with the strategic support of the Vice President for Science and Technology, the Science and Technology Park of Sharif University of Technology and the Presidential Innovation and Prosperity Fund. The fifth round of the obscure coding competition “Spaghetti Contest 5” will be held on March 3rd 1402 at the Presidential Innovation and Prosperity Fund.
The purpose of holding this event is to identify the country’s top programming talents and connect these people to the job market; Also, this competition is not just a technical competition between people, but the knowledge and programming skills of the participants are supposed to increase and the skills and knowledge gained are used in the country’s information technology industry.
Also, one of the goals of this competition is to estimate the skill of the participants in writing unreadable codes or in the term of programmers, “Dirty Code”.
What is “Dirty Code” programming?
We call a program “unreadable” when if we give the program code to another programmer and he knows the meaning of each program command, the way the commands are put together and the jumps between them are so complicated and confusing that the programmer Without running this program, it cannot find out what the output of the program is.
Throughout the history of programming, various styles of programming have been invented. Structured, modular, and object-oriented programming methods are among the most famous programming styles. But before all of them, the first programming style was called spaghetti programming. The era when the command “Go to” was popular and the programs were extremely illegible, because the order of execution of the lines of the program, due to the repeated use of the Go to command, was like strings of spaghetti inside and confused. For this reason, the programs were generally small and full of errors. When the programmers banned the Go to command and tried to use for and while loops and logical variables (Boolean) instead, the era of this programming style ended and the structured programming style began.
Event contacts
– Students and programmers to participate in the competition
– Companies active in the field of program writing to use the results of competitions
– Companies and organizations active in the field of information technology to use the results of competitions
Benefits of participating in contests for programmers
– Learning (checking different codes, writing new code and continuous communication with the judging team increases the scientific level and skill of people.)
– Practice (sending ambiguous codes to the judging team, consulting and getting approval provides an opportunity to test people’s ability.)
– Competition (the selection test and the final test are the main place of competition between the best people and show the skills of people in programming.)
– Employment in reputable companies (after the tournament, top teams have the possibility of employment in reputable companies active in the field of information technology that have supported this event.)
For information on the process of holding the competition, rules and registration, you can refer to the event website: