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The impact of ranking in 45 to 90 percent of teachers’ salary items – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

Mohammad Mahdi Kazemi, in a conversation with Mehr reporter, pointed to the cooperation of all officials, especially the housing and urban development officials, and stated: The collective determination and determination of all institutions is necessary to improve the living conditions of teachers.

Deputy Minister of Secondary Education said: We should all help to solve the constant worries of teachers.

He stated that the dignity of teachers should be considered in the education system of the future generation, and added: The concerns of the Supreme Leader should be taken into account in the meeting on 12 May.

The Deputy Minister of Education said: The ranking of teachers is a process in which colleagues are ranked based on their performance and professional, experimental, specialized and general qualifications from rank one, which is a teacher educator, to rank five, which is a master teacher.

Kazemi said: 45 to 90 percent of a part of teachers’ salary items and the receipt of their salaries depends on the rating.

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