The indictment of the defendants of illegal sale of subsidized flour was issued

According to the report of Fars news agency’s judicial group, citing the Judiciary Media Center, on June 18, the head of the Judiciary visited Mazandaran province. During this trip, Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslim Mohseni Ajeei ordered a detailed investigation into the case of disruption in the country’s economic system through the sale of subsidized flour in the open market.
37 days after the head of the Judiciary insisted on serious consideration of this case, the indictment of the accused was issued.
Hojjatul Islam Akbari, Chief Justice of Mazandaran Province, stated: The head of the Judiciary, during his trip to Mazandaran Province, while directly supervising the conduct of preliminary investigations, issued an order to speed up the handling of the said case.
The Chief Justice of Mazandaran province stated: The contents of this case indicate that unfortunately two of the defendants, who are responsible for issuing remittances to the Persian Gulf Company (as a subsidized flour distribution company of type 1, at the city level) and also delivering it, They were in charge of Khabazi units, and with the coordination of other defendants, they were issuing formal remittances and selling subsidized flour type 1 in the open market at several times the price. Also, in some cases, the subsidized flour bags assigned to Khabazi units based on the quota were sold in the open market instead of being baked and delivered to the consumer.
He further added: Two of the related government officials who were responsible for monitoring the activity of the mentioned company in order to realize the smooth flow of distribution of subsidized flour type 1 also, due to negligence in performing their duty and lack of proper supervision, more than 15 thousand sacks of flour were released. They have facilitated type one subsidy from that company’s warehouse.
The Chief Justice of Mazandaran stated: Subsidized flour, as the primary ingredient of the dominant power of the people, instead of being placed on the table of a huge part of dear compatriots, is distributed outside the legal and official network and consumed in illegal places, to guilds like; Poultry production centers have been sold at several times the price, which is a criminal act, destructive economic and social effects, such as; Creating long queues in front of bakeries and widespread dissatisfaction among the majority of people has led to the formation of a black market and similar.
He pointed out that there was sufficient evidence to attribute guilt to the defendants in the case, in the implementation of the Criminal Procedure Law, an indictment was issued in accordance with the Islamic Penal Code and the Law on Punishment of Disruptors in the Country’s Economic System. Masharalihim, issued and the case file has been sent to the competent court.
In the end, the Chief Justice of the province, while giving a serious warning to all corrupt people, especially criminals whose actions directly make people’s livelihoods more difficult, stated: Other stages of this case will also be followed up with exemplary diligence and seriousness. Let it be a lesson for all those who violate public rights and those who violate the honorable people’s table.
It should be noted that during his visit to Mazandaran province, in order to protect public rights and fight against corruption, the head of the judiciary personally appeared at the General Justice of Mazandaran province to review the proceedings of a case related to the disruption of the country’s economic system through the sale of subsidized flour in Monitor the free market.
In a meeting that was held in the office of the Chief Justice of Mazandaran province with the presence of judicial authorities and relevant officials, the head of the judiciary examined the different aspects and angles of the case of disruption in the country’s economic system through the sale of subsidized flour in the open market and asked questions about the trends. And he brought up the bases that created this corruption case.
In this meeting, the head of the judiciary emphasized that this case cannot be reduced to a criminal offense and the category of “distribution outside the network”; Rather, what has happened is corruption and betrayal, and it has happened in relation to an issue that is directly related to the table and livelihood of the people, so it should be dealt with with the utmost diligence and seriousness and the issuance of restraining orders.
According to the reports, the two defendants in the case, in the capacity of issuing remittances from a private company, were allocating flours to Khabazi units, and in the meantime, with the participation of other defendants, they started issuing fake and unreal remittances repeatedly, so that they could get part of the allocated flours. sell the find in the open market.
I have to say; In this case, apart from the method of issuing formal and unreal and frequent remittances, the other method discovered in committing crimes was obtaining subsidized flour from Khabazi units and selling it at several times the price in the open market. In fact, the subsidized flour assigned to Khabazi unit based on the quota was sold to chicken production units at free price instead of being baked and delivered to the consumer.
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