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The Iranian family is still stable and the traditional style of marriage prevails in it – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr reporter, the meeting “The Discursive Reality of the Family in the Islamic Revolution” was held at the Cultural Research Institute of the Islamic Revolution with the speech of Atefeh Khademi, a social consultant and secretary of the Jamiat Staff of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.

At the beginning of this meeting, Khademi said: Cultural policy-making should be accompanied by a pathological view of the family, and this can be explained in two ways. One aspect of our encounter with the concept of family has been open from the beginning until now. In the Islamic revolution, the family was raised with what keywords? These keywords are the importance of the family and the priority of the family, and family-centeredness is one of the most important keywords that creates the spirit of the family in the Islamic Republic.

He continued: From a sociological point of view, it should be said that stressing on the family with Islamic foundations does not give authenticity to the individual or the society, but it gives authenticity to the family. The ideal of governance is to highlight the authenticity of the family. In all upstream documents, the family is specially addressed and there is a legal requirement for the governance capacities to serve the family, and this is the dominant discourse in governance approaches.

Khademi said: My criticism of this confrontation is based on how much this approach has succeeded Am Discourse wise, has it been realized in reality? Can we explain everything that happened in society based on this logic? The mind of the politician and the policymaker should be focused on this and pay attention to the fact that the word family is involved in stereotypes and there should be a plan for this discussion. The second aspect is the concept that is considered as a reality in Iranian society regarding the family. This approach highlights the issue of the family in the situation of social harm and this Issue It is built for the Islamic Republic, which is basically a family that is collapsing. With this argument, the family is placed at the top of the issues.

Khademi said: in the duality of family-centeredness and family collapse, the existing structure leads to the collapse of the family, because this statement defines its life and survival in the social field and not in the field of upper documents and position. get politicians. The last research that was done is related to the year 2013 and in this survey all statements emphasize that the family in Iranian society is still stable and marriage is still dominant in Iranian society in a traditional style.

The social arena is being engineered in a way that is not family-oriented engineering

He added: “The research mafia takes billions of funds and a certain political spectrum orders it to do research, this spectrum has the intention of generalizing its political view and approach.” This rent was able to create a social narrative in the field of research for many years. This narrative put us at a point where the family in Iranian society is collapsing. Based on this, we directed all our capacities towards crisis management and neglected positive issues. I disagree that the family is collapsing, but the family still has stability and survival and continues its life.

He continued: The most important question is the relationship between governance and the elite and media as well as the general society. In this process, there is no reasonable and logical relationship between governance and media Issue It gets politicized and the approaches become different due to the change of governments. The lack of networking of capacities in a whole unit is a challenge that exists. Upstream policies and policy-making institutions, what they depict on the horizon of a society, are not immune to action and governments act in a selective and tasteful manner. Therefore, practically everything ends with the performance of governments. Governments activate their action and action due to the perceptions they have on the subject.

Khademi said: There must be a clear course from policy making to action that does not change when the government changes. A part of the story also returns to the general society. We are cognitively alienated from the situation of the general society and we do not know what are the coordinates of the family in Iranian society and what is the system of its problems and what developments has it undergone throughout history and with what characteristics does it continue to exist? We have almost no detailed information about the family situation. Nothing is presented about the quality and quantity of life in the Iranian family, and you do not know what the challenges of the Iranian family are? Intergenerational change in the family, what means does the family structure face? What is the difference between urban and rural family challenges? And….

Khademi said: Another issue is the relationship between the family and social changes. How much can the family protect itself against social changes? For example Issue Hijab is formed in the family and in the society spread found or vice versa? We do not have an answer for these issues. Unfortunately, our view of the family is a tool. In the political, cultural and social system and in our economy, family to us yes Family and family-oriented have no place. In all these areas, it is as if we want to use the family as a tool. We have no respect for the family Am And our definition of family has been minimal. That is, our definition of family does not return to the truth of the family in the discourse of the revolution. The reality of the family in the discourse of the Islamic Revolution family tree Tayyaba, Kausar and good are many. If we made policies based on this, we would never be in the current situation. Abundant goodness means that all events in society must be rooted in it family tree to be good

Khademi said: The fruit of your life in the family flows in the community, the family is like a spring that boils and flows in the community. The reality of Islam’s narration of the family is evident in the biography of Hazrat Zahra. He is the manager of the house, but he is also a political and social leader. How much do we pay attention to the ratio of people in the family? Cruelty to women starts from within the family, when Shanit The family is taken away, there is no identity in this family and the woman has no status in it.

Khademi said: I was supposed to make political and social changes in my home. In the discourse of the Islamic Revolution, the family has a significance that the effect of its status leads to political and social developments. Just like Hazrat Zahra’s family. A woman should leave her status by being a mother and playing a role in being a wife and also being a daughter. But no thought for the family-oriented that pillar Rekin It is a woman, it is not. Identity, dignity, dignity, the possibility of education, economic capacity, cultural role-playing, etc., do not exist in the family portfolio, and the family has become a dormitory. This is due to the lack of proper understanding of the family, if we understood the family as a great good Issue It would be different.

The most important in the discourse of the Islamic Revolution special task Family is a neglected concept

He continued: In the discourse of the Islamic revolution, the most important special task Family is a neglected concept and it is the production of comfort and peace. Where have we heard this concept in these forty years? Am? In the Islamic view, this function is seen and has positive social consequences. Now basically you don’t have sakina, how many sakina do we have in the family? If the family was the cradle of peace, how much would the adversities of the society be reduced? We don’t have a policy and a law whose agenda is to create tranquility and peace in the family.

Khademi said: It is in the bed of peace that you can create a bed for normative and value domains. We are relative to this issue of the year host who was negligent Am. In this case, the family becomes a place of tension. In our media productions, how many media productions are there that have a family with the characteristic of peace and tranquility? Therefore, we should pay attention to the true meaning of family. Another issue is paying attention to the evolution of the family in Iranian society. One of the harms in our society is the morals and practices of Iranian society, which has no connection with history and has no desire for the future view does not have He neither learns from the past nor has an image of the future.

Khademi said: There should be one Efficacy and ratio measurement to take place between the family and the community. Now the situation of society and family is in chaos and we don’t have any moderating capacity. Family in the space of B mercifully Oh you We entered into social changes and we don’t have any moderator to set a limit somewhere or take care of the family. The course of social changes is going fast and we don’t have any immunity institution. One of these matters is the cyberspace, where the unarmed family is condemned to be present in this campaign. There must be a moderator that accelerates this Issue and protect the family in this continuous attack. The next issue is to pay attention to the internal structure of the family. In the discourse of the Islamic revolution, it is clear that management and leadership are with women, and the issue of guardianship and support is with men, and its basis is the love between men and women, and its main function is peace and tranquility. In the intellectual system of the leader of the revolution, the role of women is prominent, but in the discourse space, there is a minimal view of women, and the view of male dominance is highlighted. Therefore, the type of representation and weighting to Issuethe difference is made.

Khademi said: Our audience are children during the family era. We are also careless in this matter. Roles in the family with what logic should be planned tiny And what are the effects and consequences of the distance between these roles? These are the things that are very important. Just as we need rethinking in the field of women, we need the same review and rethinking in the family issue from the perspective of Islam. In the field of upstream documents, we are saturated and we do not need a new document, but in action and capacity mobilization, we need to understand Al-Ahani Let’s get this understanding to return to the discourse of the Islamic Revolution and be influenced by social reality. We will be successful in this matter when we can establish a relationship between the current and the desired situation and think about what measures should be taken between the two.

In the end, Khademi emphasized: “The family in Iranian society has authenticity, roots and survival, and it is the most important capacity that still exists, and we need to revive the reality of the family in Iranian society, which is rooted in the discourse of the Islamic Revolution.” for The basis of our action will find a different style.

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