Chastity and hijabsocial

The issue of hijab and covering women is important in different religions – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr correspondent, Hojjatoleslam Hassan Ghaneh said at a meeting of the Fars Province Research Group on Chastity and Hijab on the importance of hijab in society on Thursday noon: Islam has targeted and demarcated this important issue.

He added: “To destroy and conquer any society, women are the first cultural goal that can be used to control and control the behaviors and actions in society.”

Hojjatoleslam Ghaneh The purpose of forming this working group is to study the causes and factors of bad hijab and B. عفتی In society and reaching appropriate solutions to counter the norm Breaking He considered bad hijab and added: all cultural institutions should act in the form of a single camp in the field of chastity and hijab regarding Content creation And the production of “chaste bio” principles, three operational working groups and one scientific support working group are foreseen.

He added: “Scientific research working group has been set up with the aim of developing a system of chastity and hijab issues based on analysis and pathology.” He emphasized: The first move is to gather information in the field of chastity and hijab and localization based on the cultural ecosystem of each city and region. Also, the second move in the field of information and media should be projects in various formats of content creation media, production and distribution to the public.

Hojjatoleslam Ghaneh considered the third step to address the causes to reach a solution to the problem.

He stated: The menus and orders of the Supreme Leader (Modzaleh) as the guardian of the Muslims, who oversees the ijtihads in various cultural, social and political fields, should be used as a roadmap and source.

Director General of Islamic Propaganda of Fars said: aggregation of previous scientific achievements and providing it to activists in the field of culture and hijab and working groups formed and monitoring how عمکرد Executors can be part of the vacuum های To make up for the past, while in the field of criminology and prevention, new methods of awareness and the use of seminary experts and experienced university professors should be resorted to.

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