Legal and judicialsocial

The Judiciary »The fact that we constantly emphasize in our words and slogans that the work should be left to the people and the private sector, but in practice, this important task is not fully realized is something that should be pathological.

The head of the judiciary in a meeting with producers, entrepreneurs and activists of knowledge-based companies in Qom province:

The head of the judiciary said: “The fact that we constantly emphasize in our words and slogans that the work should be left to the people and the private sector, but in practice, this important thing will not be fully realized is something that should be pathological; We must be committed to the tools of this issue and take steps to strengthen the private and public sector.

According to the General Directorate of Public Relations of the Judiciary, Hojjatoleslam and Muslims Mohseni Ejei in a meeting with producers, entrepreneurs and activists of knowledge-based companies in Qom province, referring to the importance of defiance and field visits of officials and managers, both executive and judicial, to industrial and production centers. He emphasized to the judicial officials of Qom province: while dealing with and following major issues, do not neglect to solve problems on a case-by-case basis and follow this issue with a pathological view and keep in mind that sometimes a case entry into a case can Prevent many wrong practices and correct them.

Referring to the importance of pragmatism and avoiding mere chanting, the head of the judiciary said: “Slogan should be turned into consciousness, and these chanting should show itself in action, and the so-called” promise “should become” action “; The person in charge gives a slogan and it does not become an action.

The Judge of Judges, stating that the solution of problems and barriers to production and industry in the country depends on joint efforts and interaction between the government and producers and craftsmen, said: They do not have to overcome the problems of the production field and considering that the issue of promoting national production is one of the priorities of the country, it is necessary for all public and private sectors to interact and converge with each other to overcome the problems and obstacles in the field of production.

The head of the judiciary stated that the government should leave the advancement of production and industrial affairs to the people and the private sector and pursue its responsibility of guiding, policy-making and advocacy. And handed over to the private sector, but in practice, this important thing is not fully realized, which should be pathological; We must be committed to the tools of this issue and take steps to strengthen the private and public sector.

The head of the judiciary, referring to the issues and problems raised by producers, craftsmen and activists of knowledge-based units in Qom province in this meeting, said: In the speeches of some attendees, the issue of following the law was emphasized; This issue is one of the issues that is clearly among the responsibilities of the judiciary and the inspection organization of the whole country in terms of monitoring the proper implementation of laws, so you, the producers and craftsmen of Qom province, to summarize and enumerate those problems that appear due to lack of It is the implementation of the laws, and present these aggregated and enumerated problems in order to affect the judiciary so that necessary and appropriate measures can be taken by us in order to solve them.

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Mohseni Ejei, referring to the category of bureaucracy and the complexities of administrative affairs that sometimes affect the activists of production, commercial and industrial units, said: “I have entered the category of pathology of some production and commercial processes and among them I can clearly I would like to mention the issues related to import and export processes from the order registration stage to the allocation and supply of foreign exchange; In this category, we visited the customs of some parts of the country and counted some issues and problems in this area and tried to solve them.

In this regard, the head of the judiciary referred to the issue raised by one of the production and commercial activists of Qom province, which supervises “non-clearance of two containers of alcohol from customs during the last 2 years” and addressed this producer and said: Describe it in full in the form of a letter and provide it to us; Our entry and review of this category is not only to solve the problem that has occurred for 2 containers of alcohol, but we also want to identify the damage that causes the consignments not to be cleared through customs, and thus the problems that may later arise in this area. Let’s prevent it.

The Judge also referred to the problem of the three production units of Qom province in relation to foreign exchange remittances and the issues raised between them and the Central Bank, which were raised by the Governor of Qom, and said: Provide us with a comprehensive pathology of currency issues between production units and the central bank while examining this specific issue and preventing problems that may arise in the future.

Hojjat-ul-Islam and Muslims Mohseni Ejei, referring to the proposal of an economic activist in Qom province to consider some cases out of turn in the Court of Administrative Justice, said: Although the law provides that some cases out of turn in The Court of Administrative Justice should be considered, but it should be noted that this issue does not include all cases. Of course, sometimes due to the sensitive situation of the country, in cases where the law does not require .

The head of the judiciary, referring to the proposal of one of the production and economic activists of Qom province to appoint a special deputy with full authority in the judiciary to pursue investment and production affairs, said: I agree with the whole proposal, but this proposal should be More mature and expertly proposed; Therefore, it is necessary to determine the powers and issues that the mentioned deputy should have and follow up, accurately and comprehensively; In this regard, you, economic and production activists of Qom province, can hold a symposium with Mr. Omrani, Secretary of the Resistance Economy Headquarters of the Judiciary.

Before the speech of the Chief Justice, a number of economic and industrial activists and the knowledge-based field of Qom province expressed their views and opinions, including the director of Kaveh Qom Steel Company, the director of Tabesh Noor Company, the director of Pakshoma factory and the director of steel factory West pointed out.

Also, Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Shahcheraghi, Governor of Qom, while appreciating the actions of the judiciary in addressing the legal issues of economic and industrial activists in Qom province, said that the most important problem of Qom is the development of employment due to the large presence of foreign nationals.

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