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The masters of power should give up education – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr correspondent, Ayatollah Seyyed Hassan Ameli said on Saturday evening at a ceremony celebrating the best of the 1400 entrance exams in the prayer hall of Ardabil: “There is no more valuable ceremony than the celebration of scientific elites, and it is unfortunate that some managers and officials Provinces did not attend.

He added: “National sovereignty, independence and integrity of the greatness and progress of the country are owed to science and scientific endeavors, and whatever we invest in this field is still small.”

The representative of the Supreme Leader in the province and the Friday prayer leader of Ardabil reminded the necessity of honoring science and the world and said: “Scientific values ​​should be considered holy and blessed in society and we should try more than ever to develop and expand new knowledge and sciences.”

Ayatollah Ameli, appreciating the students ‘efforts to be proud in the field of national entrance examination, added: “In the first place, it is the students’ efforts who, at the height of their shortcomings and shortcomings, tried to shine in the field of science and gain honor for this province.”

In another part of his speech, he noted: Teachers and professors who move in this direction anonymously, without any duty or salary, try with love and passion to take charge of educating the next generation and in a jihadist action, the country in this Take the critical moment out of the economic and technological siege.

The head of Ardabil Public Culture Council added: “Today, we need intelligent and rational management to break the barrier of enemies in the economic crisis and achieve new technologies. It is necessary for provincial and city managers to try their best with the capacity of elites and intellectuals.” To use.

Ayatollah Ameli stated: The council and the municipality should work hard to create a healthy educational environment in the society so that it is a symbol of the city, a symbol of science, rationality and moving forward in achieving enlightenment.

He stressed the need for those in power and wealth to stay away from accessing the education system and prevent their unnecessary interference, and continued: “We desperately need to strengthen religious identity in society in the shadow of science and skills, because today in the world with different tools They try to train and deliver a worthy generation that is sensitive and sensitive to environmental issues and the optimal use of electricity, water and gas.

Ayatollah Ameli reminded the necessity of keeping the rulers of power and politics away from the field of education and said: we should not allow the deputies and some officials to interfere in the dismissals and installations, but it is worthwhile for the deputies to pay attention to legislation and supervision. Do not interfere in the dismissal and installation of managers in any way.

He continued his remarks: The senior management of the province should also determine the duties of the new managers of the province as soon as possible so that no more of these departments are left in the air.

Ayatollah Ameli said: “No one should interfere in the dismissal and installation of education directors in all categories, but the best and most worthy people in this field should be Employment So that the education of the next generation is not interrupted.

He called on parents to provide the best educational environment for their children with the right strategy at home and to make their children a source of spiritual strength for their parents.

Ayatollah Ameli reminded the need to pay attention to the deprived areas and the elites of these areas and noted: facilities, tools and educational equipment should be distributed and provided in proportion to the elite in the deprived areas and we try to make Ardabil prayer hall a place for students to use the equipment. And provide textbooks to take advantage of this capacity.

He added: “Basij bases in neighborhoods and mosques should become the center of scientific transformation, because at every stage of the Basij, we have witnessed useful and fruitful results.”

Ayatollah Ameli criticized the province’s inappropriate ranking in the evaluation of the national entrance exam and said: “Apart from appreciating the hard-working directors of education in the province and regions, we hope that the IQ of the youth of this Line In the coming years, we will be able to have a say in the entrance exam ahead of other provinces.

The Friday Imam of Ardabil further reminded of the need to increase educational and university centers as a necessity and said: The field of industrial university in Ardabil province was provided and although the license was revoked in the previous government, but we tried to accompany the donors and provide 150 billion To provide the necessary platform for setting up an industrial university.

He called on the senior management of the province to take the necessary steps to overhaul and set up an industrial university in the province in order to use the capacity of donors in this field more than before.

Ayatollah Ameli reminded the attention to collective wisdom in promoting the sacred pride of Ardabilis at the national and international levels and stated: “We hope to see the greatest pride in various scientific categories in this province in the coming years with the cooperation and support of provincial and city managers.”


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