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The one-year performance of the cooperative chamber was explained – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr Mohammad Khan Biloki news agency, the head of Tehran Provincial Cooperative Chamber stated in a press conference explaining the one-year performance of the chamber: Tehran Provincial Cooperative Chamber, as the parliament of the cooperatives under its coverage, is responsible for handling claims and resolving disputes between cooperatives in order to fulfill its duties. has taken. Currently, the chamber is composed of 5 dispute resolution councils with the presence of retired judges and experienced arbitrators. Fortunately, out of the 1,000 judgments issued in the judicial courts, there may be objections to only two cases because we have considered justice as the first pillar. We are taking steps to realize the slogan of the year. The government has allocated a budget for more production and to improve livelihoods, entrepreneurship and job creation.

In the continuation of this meeting, Professor Rezaei, a member of the Board of Directors of the Tehran Province Cooperative Chamber, also stated in this meeting: In the new period of management of the Tehran Province Cooperative Chamber, a unit under the title of Deputy of Cooperatives and Unions Affairs has been created, which provides five services in areas such as counseling and training. It provides registration and formation of cooperatives and updating the latest status of cooperatives. Communication with existing cooperatives and unions does not have a regular communication format, and our effort in this area is based on inviting active and semi-active unions to discuss their situation during special meetings in the form of counseling and problem solving. .

He continued: The view of the 13th government and the Supreme Leader’s emphasis on the importance of the cooperative sector as a popular sector will help the cooperative sector in this period. In the 13th government, a comprehensive look has been made based on direct focus on the cooperative sector. One of the good achievements in 1401 is the approval of the cooperative sector development document, which can bring about a great change in the cooperative sector, so we are trying to solve it through legal channels in the form of the cooperative sector development document, if the cooperatives have problems for any reason. and season

In support of women’s cooperatives, Professor Rezaei announced: Considering that this year the Iran Cooperative Chamber is hosting the ICA International Union in September, which coincides with the Cooperative Week, our efforts in the Women’s Commission of the Iran Cooperative Chamber and in the membership of the Cooperative Chamber of all provinces The country will speed up the creation, activation and networking of women’s cooperatives throughout the country. Accordingly, the first national congress of Iranian women will be held on August 25, 1402. In this congress, in addition to the scientific call section (articles and researches), specialized panels including legal panel, social responsibility panel and women’s business sustainability report and commercial panel and export development and investment opportunities with the presence of prominent figures from professors and People’s officials of the government and parliament will be held. The purpose of the event is to highlight the economic and social activities and scientific achievements of the women and youth of the country with a scientific approach and social responsibility and to introduce them in the national and international arenas, networking with cooperation.

Regarding the 25% share of the cooperative sector, Professor Rezaei said: Currently, we have three commercial chambers, including the Chamber of Commerce, the Cooperative Chamber, and the Chamber of Guilds, which are responsible for non-governmental facilitation. In the case of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Guilds, the law of the trade union system governs them, while the cooperative chamber is subject to the cooperative law and the ministry of cooperatives is subordinate to it; Therefore, the cooperative chamber should have more interaction with them and the production, distribution and service cooperatives that operate in the country should undertake this task in order to compensate for the existing delays and increase the share of participation in some chapters to over 50%. Referring to the emergence of new jobs in the future and the movement of cooperatives in this direction, he said: In this regard, platform cooperatives have been seen as an indicator because the sales ecosystem is changing from a physical format all over the world and according to reports Many jobs will disappear and the composition of work will change, so we must also take this issue into consideration in the headlines, and in this regard, we have encouraged cooperatives to activate newer trends.

Also, Norouzi, the head of the Election Monitoring Commission of the Cooperative Chamber of Tehran province, also considered the implementation of Article 44 of the Constitution to be the responsibility of all the government, private and cooperative sectors and said: if all sectors are aware of their position and know that 25% of the economy should In order for cooperation to be realized, the approved law must be implemented because the realization of a 25% share requires the cooperation of all three forces. He emphasized the need for smartness in the field of cooperation and said: The question is, by what standard should we measure 25% of the economy and if we want to To have statistics on the circulation of economic activity in the cooperative sector, we must know the state of the working capital of the cooperative sector in order to be able to provide accurate statistics in this regard, because this work is not possible alone, therefore, positive steps are needed to make intelligence and access information with cooperation. Nowrozi continued: Last year, 1,100 cooperative companies held annual meetings, out of which 100 complaints about the manner of holding meetings were submitted to the monitoring commission, which convened a meeting regarding the legal provision and made the necessary decisions. and with the presence of the representative of the Ministry of Labor, the General Directorate of Cooperatives of Tehran province and the representatives of unions and cooperatives, the necessary vote was issued. The monitoring commission was responsible for handling complaints and verifying the qualifications of candidates for the positions of the board of directors and inspection and managing directors of cooperative companies, which Out of 100 complaints that the monitoring commission dealt with, 40 complaints were sent to the appeals and out of 40 complaints, 20 cases were recognized and 20 cases were rejected, which showed that the supervisions were accurate and the meetings of the companies were organized efficiently.

He said: Until now, there has been no representative of the Cooperative Chamber of Tehran Province in the cities of Tehran Province, but recently this agency has been established in two cities of Islamshahr and Shahryar, and the Central Election Monitoring Association, based on Article 68 of the Law on Cooperatives and the approved instructions, has established a number of cooperatives in Various trends are independently handled as cooperatives subject to supervision in Islamshahr and Shahryar cities.

At the same time, the member of the board of directors of Tehran Province Cooperative Chamber announced the existence of 16 thousand cooperatives in Tehran Province and said: Out of this number, 8000 cooperatives are active in different trends of housing, consumption, credit, transportation, manufacturing, industrial, trans-provincial, and fishing. , there is agriculture, animal husbandry and animal husbandry, of course, the exact statistics of the number of cooperatives in the province should be obtained from the General Directorate of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare of Tehran Province. Also, there are about 3,000 employee, worker, independent and mass-builder housing cooperatives in Tehran province, and about 900 of them held their assemblies in 1401.

In the continuation of this meeting, Azizi, the vice president of economic affairs of the Tehran Province Chamber of Cooperatives, also stated: In order to fulfill the slogan of the year, we have put two serious exhibitions on the agenda, one of which is the exhibition of production cooperatives during the week of cooperatives and the second is the spring sales exhibition for cooperatives. production, distribution and service. Also, last year, we held a banquet exhibition with the aim of strengthening the economic base of the cooperative households in the three big neighborhoods of Velayat Park, Police Park and Hazrat Imam Khomeini Mosque.

He continued: During the negotiations we had with the technical and vocational education organization last week, it was decided to implement related specialized courses in the form of technical and vocational schools for the cooperative chamber of Tehran province, part of which will be given to us and the other part to the deputy of cooperative affairs. And the ministry will return. The deputy of economic affairs of the Tehran province cooperative chamber emphasized: Last year, all the representatives of section 3 who participated in the tax dispute resolution commissions of Tehran province, 773 cases were dealt with in these commissions, and we were able to recover a significant amount of tax crimes that The reason for the managers’ lack of familiarity with submitting declarations was to get a tax discount, and we hope to be more active in this field this year. Also, we created systems for intelligentization to update our services.

Azizi said: In the field of financial affairs and support, one of the tasks of the chamber is to give meaning to the activities of the chambers and to guide the chambers. In the Vice-Chancellor of Economic Affairs, we have anticipated the discussion of marketing and market development and the preservation and empowerment of cooperatives, and we have made the necessary investment with the support of the investment guarantee fund of the cooperative sector and the cooperative development bank. : The cooperative chamber is the representative of the cooperatives in paragraph 3 of article 24 of the direct taxes law, and whatever happens in this field, if it is related to the cooperative, the representative of the cooperative chamber must participate in it, not the chamber of commerce or guilds. The composition of the three-member board includes one person representing tax affairs, one person a judge, and the third person, if it is about a trade union, is a representative of the Chamber of Guilds or Commerce, and if it is a cooperative, the representative of the cooperative chamber must be present.

According to him, from the year 2014, all lawsuits brought against cooperatives should be referred to the Arbitration Center of the Cooperative Chamber based on Note 6 of Article 57 of the Amendment to the Law on Cooperatives. In fact, the reference to the arbitration of the cooperative chamber should be included in the statutes of all legal entities of the cooperative. He demanded the establishment of 4% training right of cooperatives and said: since 2013, the 4% training right was removed from the Ministry of Cooperatives, and our proposal is to restore it again. and this right of training should be given to the unions to solve the problems of training cooperatives.

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