
The price of a house in West Ferdous neighborhood / how much budget is needed to buy a house in Ferdous Boulevard?

According to Tejarat News, Ferdous Gharb Blvd is the name of a neighborhood in the west of Tehran, which is located in the 5th district of Tehran Municipality.

The houses in this neighborhood have a renovation texture, but you can also find old houses for purchase. Therefore, there are houses of all ages in this neighborhood.

The western part of Ferdous Boulevard was completely separated from Ferdous Boulevard after the establishment of Sattari Highway, and in 2018, with the approval of the city council, the name of this neighborhood was named after Nasser Hijazi. But in what range is the price of an apartment in Ferdous Gharb neighborhood?

The price of an apartment in Ferdows West

Field observations in Ferdous Gharb neighborhood show that buyers should budget at least 4 to 4.3 billion tomans to buy an apartment in the area.

The price of apartments in this area starts from 115 million tomans per meter and reaches 150 million tomans per meter.

Access to Ferdous Gharb neighborhood

Ferdous Gharb Blvd ends at Allameh Jafari highway from the north, Sattari highway from the east, Koi Eram from the west, and Tehran-Karaj highway from the south. Access to Ferdous Gharb Boulevard with a private car is in good condition due to its proximity to these highways.

The Allameh Jafari metro station, which was recently opened in the area of ​​Ferdous Gharb, has made commuting to this area easier for the residents. Also, Eram Sabze metro station is located near this neighborhood.

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