
The price of Peugeot 207 automatic increased by 12 million Tomans

According to Eqtesadonline, quoted by ISNA, while in the last 10 days of October, car prices in the market were relatively calm and there was no significant increase or decrease in prices, but a review of today’s prices in the high-volume car market shows that the market is fluctuating again. It has also increased.

Prices remained unchanged in the third decade of October until Saturday of this week (November 1), but in the last few days and after the closure of yesterday, today’s (Monday) market survey shows that prices have increased compared to the beginning of the week.

The highest price increase has been created in the Peugeot 207 automatic car of Iran-Khodro, which has reached 437 million Tomans with an increase of 12 million Tomans.

In other high-volume and high-demand cars of the market, in the products of Iran Khodro Industrial Group, prices increase by one to five million Tomans, and in the products of Saipa Group, an increase of one million Tomans is often seen.

The price of cars in the three periods of the last 10 days of October, the beginning of this week and today (November 3) is as follows based on million Tomans.

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