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The secretary of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution denied answering the exam questions – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr news agency, the 875th meeting of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, chaired by Ayatollah Dr. Seyed Ibrahim Raisi, was held in the morning of Tuesday, January 13, at the presidential institution.

Saeedreza Ameli, Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, on the sidelines of the 875th session of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, stating that the great national and global status of Sardar Soleimani is not hidden from anyone, and that Sardar Soleimani is a faithful, wise and loving person of the people of Islamic Iran and the Islamic world, and in a way it can be said He was sympathetic to everyone, he said: The exception was that today’s meeting of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution was held at 10:00 AM, because the president and members of the council planned to attend the anniversary ceremony of General Soleimani.

He added: The agenda of today’s meeting was to review the social, cultural and science and technology policies and priorities of the 7th Development Plan. In the 7th development plan, 12 key topics are foreseen, all 12 topics are in the economic and infrastructure fields, and the fields of social culture, science and technology are not included in these key topics. It is predicted for the field of culture and society and science and technology.

The Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, referring to the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, stated: The aforementioned order is based on Article 10 of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, which emphasizes that “the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution shall consider the priorities and policies of culture, science, technology and innovation, as appropriate, in order to vegetables Laws related to the program and budget of the country are approved and announced to the government. Of course, the approval of the Supreme Council is necessary execution Is.

He added: Based on this reference, a single article of 7 clauses was prepared, which also considers the supervisor topics The key was the field of culture, science and technology, and education, and it determined the tasks for the other provisions of the program regarding cultural attachment. It has also determined the impact contribution for the research and development budget. In this meeting, it was approved and agreed that science and culture should be added to the key subjects of the 7th Development Plan, and the details of the single article were left to the appointed council to review and approve it.

Ameli continued: In today’s meeting, a report was presented about the actions of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in cooperation with the Program and Budget Organization in 10 working groups for the compilation of the seventh plan. Culture has been done and more than 17 important reports have been prepared in this regard.

He said: Also, a report of the commission for drafting the provisions of the 7th development plan in the field of society and culture was presented in the form of 10 working groups chaired by ministers and heads of organizations. It should be mentioned that the unification committee of the field of culture was approved in the cultural engineering coordination headquarters in 2018, whose members are the secretary of the council, the minister of culture and Islamic guidance, the head of the Islamic Propaganda Organization, the head of the cultural commission of the Majlis, and is chaired by the secretary of the council. .

The Secretary of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution continued: In today’s meeting, in response to a report by the Minister of Education, in response to the fact that the questions of the final exams were given to others on virtual networks, the Minister stated that there was no fraud in the exams at all. and exams are held in health and before holding being exposed There were no questions, the inspection of the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution on the conditions of holding the exams also shows that the exams were held in good quality. If the questions are published after the exam, this also happens in the entrance exam, because people can reflect on them after seeing the questions, the questions of the final exams are opened with a special code in the exam session and no one knows about the questions except in the exam session.

He expressed his hope for the experience of holding the exam twice In the year, the separation between specialized and general questions and giving quality and role to academic records in the field of general questions will be a source of stronger education with a deeper output of students and we will face a better quality in the entry of students of the country.

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