InternationalInternational EconomicsInternational EconomicsInternational

The stock exchange organization should establish unity in capital market policies

According to the economic reporter of Fars news agency, while the Tehran Stock Exchange had an increase of 10,000 points at the beginning of trading today, the selling pressure in the stock market increased sharply again from the middle of trading and the trading map turned red.

Capital market experts believe that the back and forth trends of the stock market can lead to a further decrease in the confidence of shareholders in the stock market.

* The stock market should become a refuge for investors

Ali Momeni, a capital market expert, in a conversation with the economic reporter of Fars News Agency, said about the differences of opinion in the stock market: the government’s economic interventions, rather than improving market trends, increase risks, shock the market, and reduce the predictability of the market. And disruption in the natural and systematic processes of the market.

He continued: The rise of disputes and gaps in executive bodies intensified the fall of the stock market. An incident that represents mismanagement in the capital market and shows that the stock exchange organization is not only incapable of protecting the interests of shareholders, but also cannot create unity in decisions and policies related to the capital market.

This capital market expert emphasized: the government and the stock exchange organization must do something to make the stock market an environment that people can take refuge in, which means that they leave other markets and move towards this sector, the stock market must be a market which is of interest to the policy maker.

Momeni clarified: Now it is observed that people are running away from the capital market and moving towards other markets.

He said: A look at the financial markets shows that due to the existing conditions in the country’s political and economic situation, an epidemic recession has been created and we often see small fluctuations or price reductions in different asset classes.

* The growth of the total weighted index and the decline of the total index of the stock market

At the end of today’s trading, the total index of the stock exchange decreased by 513 units by 200% and brought a negative return for the shareholders to remain stable at the level of 2,70,890 units.

The total index is equally weighted, but today the battery performance of the total index was recorded and at the end of today’s trading, it grew by 0.45% by 3 thousand 296 units and reached the level of 728 thousand 12 units.

The total OTC index reached 27 thousand 186 points with a growth of 178 points. Also, the over-the-counter equal weight index increased by 923 units and reached the level of 133,475 units.

* Continued withdrawal of real money from the capital market

On Saturday, the net change of legal to real ownership in the stock market was negative for the eighth consecutive day, and 298 billion Tomans of real money was withdrawn from the stock market, which has a 70% drop compared to Wednesday.

Today, Fars Symbol (Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries), PiPod (Pasargad Electronic Payment) and Venvin (New Economy Bank) had the most outflows of real money. On the other hand, the most inflow of real money was allocated to Qasim (Iran’s Qasem), Nama (Asia Nama Natural Gas Tanks Production) and Shabandar (Bandar Abbas Oil Refinery).

* Decreasing the value of micro transactions in the stock market

Today, the total value of stock market transactions reached 11,952 billion tomans. The value of debt securities transactions in the secondary market was 376 billion tomans, which includes 85% of the total value of market transactions on this day.

The value of retail transactions also decreased by 32% compared to the previous trading day and reached 4,818 billion tomans, which is the lowest figure since the beginning of March last year.

* Growth in the value of stock market queues

At the end of today’s trading, 272 symbols increased in price and 450 shares decreased in price.

In Saturday’s trading, 71 symbols had a buying queue and 89 symbols were facing a selling queue. The total value of shopping queues increased by 27% compared to the previous working day to 399 billion Tomans, and the total value of sales queues also decreased by 23% to 343 billion Tomans.

At the end of today’s transactions, the per capita purchase of natural persons reached 22.3 million tomans and the per capita sale of natural persons reached 20.5 million tomans.

The users of Fars news agency in My Fars section have also registered a campaign entitled “Dealing with the unfavorable situation of the stock market shareholders” and demanded follow-up on this matter.

The audience wrote: “Unfortunately, since the winter of 1401, people’s trust in the stock market was restored to some extent and we witnessed the arrival of liquidity in the market, but from the beginning of 1402, with the decisions of the people, such as increasing the feed rate of petrochemicals, stopping the sale of cars in the commodity exchange, “Irregularity in sending quarterly reports and clarifying companies, etc., thousands of billions of Tomans of shareholders’ capital were lost, and there is no appeal.”

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