
The war with Iran will disturb the American focus on China – Mehr News Agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, quoted by Sputnik, General Alex GrinkovichThe head of the US Air Force Central Command considered any new crisis and war in West Asia to the detriment of Washington’s interests and said: “The start of a war with Iran or other crises in the Middle East can divert the military and strategic attention of the United States from its priority goal, which is to respond to China. as his main competitor in the region.

Grinkovich on Wednesday at the Technology Summit defense “If there is a war with Iran, the Middle East could derail our focus on China,” Wan said. “China receives 42 percent of its oil and hydrocarbon imports through the Persian Gulf and passing through the Strait of Hormuz.”

This senior US military general said: “Just as thousands of missiles can target the country in question, Iran has also deployed thousands of missiles on its southern borders to prevent the US from accessing its naval and air facilities in the region, imagine the Gulf If Fars turns into a Chinese lake… what are its consequences?”

At the same time, “Karen Jean Pir”, the spokesman of the White House claimed in his weekly press conference with reporters that Washington prefers diplomacy with Iran and that Washington’s priority with Iran is dialogue and diplomacy.

At the same time, this American official repeated the claims against Iran and said: Our policy towards Iran has not changed. We are focused on limiting Iran’s destabilizing behavior through pressure by working closely with our allies Amalthough the government Biden takes the issue of exchanging American prisoners seriously. During the last two years we have been able to Am Release more than 12 detained Americans.

Previously, at the same time as Western media speculated about the possibility of revitalizing the JCPOA, the US foreign minister repeated his baseless claims against Iran in Riyadh and said: Washington’s focus is not on reviving the nuclear negotiations.

Anthony blink Repeating Washington’s claims against Iran in blaming Tehran for the failure of the nuclear talks, he claimed: “Since Joe came to power Biden“We tried many times with our European, Chinese and Russian partners to achieve this agreement, but Iran either did not take a step or did not make an effort to take the necessary measures to return to the nuclear agreement.”

He once again blamed Tehran for the failure of negotiations agreementconsidered diplomacy as the best way to prevent what he called Tehran’s attempt to obtain nuclear weapons.

The US foreign minister once again explained the repeated anti-Iranian policies and showed that the claims of the foreign media are close Occurrence It is wrong to revive the nuclear deal.

Meanwhile, in his recent press conference, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Kanani, in response to the question that the exchange of messages and indirect negotiations between Iran and the United States is for returning to the JCPOA or is it in another framework, stated: Answer We do not have a hard time with this question and we have clear and principled views on the JCPOA issue.

He said: Iran has never stopped diplomatic processes. Our criterion is the performance of our opposite parties, not the media statements that are made.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: The 13th government has stated a principled and clear policy regarding the JCPOA from the beginning, and that JCPOA is not the subject of our foreign policy, but rather one of the issues related to foreign policy, and in connection with the agreement, it has been announced that any An agreement in addition to the strong and logical recommendations of the leader of the revolution as well as the national interests and the law of strategic action of the parliament in order to ensure the maximum interests of the country and not to deviate from the red lines is the attention of the negotiating team.

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