The world population reached 8 billion people; What percentage of people in the world are digital currency users?

According to the 2022 report of the United Nations, it is estimated that the world’s population will have reached more than 8 billion people on November 15 (November 24). While this figure has doubled compared to the world population of 4 billion in 1974 (1352 AD), some 48 years ago, the number of digital currency users seems to be increasing at a relatively faster rate.
To Report Cointelegraph, Worldometer has announced that the annual growth rate of the population until 2022 is about 0.84%, which, of course, will decrease in the future. This data could mean that it will take another 15 years for the world’s population to reach 9 billion people; While the population will not reach 10 billion people by 2080.
China and India are the two most populous countries that account for approximately 36% of the world’s population.
However, there is no consensus on how much of the world’s population currently owns digital assets, and estimates vary.
Market research company GWI has reported that 10.2% of global Internet users between the ages of 16 and 64 have digital currency. According to this report, the distribution of digital currency users is more skewed towards countries whose citizens experience high inflation or fluctuations in the value of their national currency.
The Singaporean blockchain company TripleA has estimated that by 2022, the ownership rate of digital currencies in the world will be approx. 4.2 percent Is; means more than 320 million users Digital currencies around the world. The report shows that the United States tops the list with 46 million cryptocurrency investors, followed by India, Pakistan and Nigeria.
Blockware Intelligence predicted in June that the adoption rate of Bitcoin worldwide will reach 10% by 2030.
Earlier this year, Chainalysis ranked 146 countries in five categories in its 2022 Global Cryptocurrency Adoption Index. In this category, Vietnam leads the overall acceptance rate, followed by the Philippines, India, Ukraine and the United States. However, this report does not specify actual cryptocurrency ownership figures.
Determining the level of digital currency ownership in China remains difficult. However, a large portion of people in the world’s most populous country are known to be tech-savvy and cryptocurrency-hungry.
Of course, the Chinese Communist Party, the ruling regime of this country, has so far taken an opposing view of digital currencies. This incident has caused that no exact figures are available about the number of users (owners) of digital currencies in this country.
Finally, it seems that despite all the current problems in the global macroeconomics and markets, the adoption of digital currencies will inevitably continue to grow across the planet.