cultural and artisticMusic and Art

Theatrical performance “Excuse me; It will increase “especially the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima (PBUH)

According to Fars News Agency, based on the wisdom presented in Fadak’s sermon, the best way to keep the Fatimid heritage alive is to learn and spread the idea of ​​this great lady. In this regard, the theatrical ceremony “Excuse me; It will increase “will be held for five nights from Monday the 13th to Friday the 17th of January in the pavilion hall of the Garden of Art with the aim of promoting the Fatimid culture.

A series of exciting events including theater, pleasant tunes, motivational lectures, life skills training, the opening of a scan and the introduction of several businesses along with how they are set up are among the programs of this event that provide fascinating moments for the participants.

Participation in this ceremony is free and open to the public and 20,000 Tomans per person will be spent on charity by a group of donors and the cultural-artistic group Heritage. Those interested can also view the report on the cost of these amounts on the page of the Heritage Group.

It should be noted that this program will be held in two chances at 7 and 9 pm and on Thursdays and Fridays in a special session at 5 pm, 7 pm and 8 pm.

Those who are interested can watch this program by visiting the Haqqani Highway from west to east, the entrance of the National Library, towards the Garden of Art, next to the House of Poetry and Literature, the amphitheater of the Garden of Art.

Fans of this program can book their tickets by visiting the Tiwal website.

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