One of the teams based in space Raymon MediaTeam is the theme of the studio. We had a conversation with this team during the media opportunity provided by Raimon to its established teams. Follow our conversation:
At first, please yourself particle for direct object Introduction do:
I am Aref Malkutifar, born in May 1370, I graduated from the University of Salzburg (FH Salzburg) in the field of multimedia art, 3D animation branch. During my studies in Austria, in addition to learning about animation, cinema, graphics and music, I worked as an intern at Digital Light Factory in Salzburg. There, on Austria’s first animated feature film called Snotty Boy
– Rotzbu and also the film The heretic bride (Die Ketzebraut) produced in Germany. Among my other activities, we can mention the creation of promotional teasers for international companies such as McDonald’s, Saturn, etc. After finishing my studies, I worked as a 3D designer, texture and rendering artist in various advertising, film and game companies and gained useful experiences.
From acquisition And your work for us say:
Theme Studio was originally founded as an art outsourcing company. In the beginning, we only did character and environment design, renderings, making promotional teasers, etc., but I was looking for something that was innovative and unique, because I felt that these things had become routine for me, the company’s procedure towards I changed learning and innovation in the development of high potential software in the field of animation and game making. After about six months of starting work, I met Amir, who was almost a novice in the field of 3D work. First, we started working on simulating the studio environment with the ability to import any type of product into it. I estimated the duration of making this product was six months, but Amir’s high learning speed and great interest in research and development in various fields of the world of 3D arts made us complete this work together in a short period of two months. Our demo product for MVP was Bang & Olafsen headphones, which happened to be welcomed by this Danish company on Instagram. In the next step, we started working on the Nespresso DeLonghi coffee machine project and how the machine works in an animation form, which was also welcomed by this Italian company. We focused on the target community of customers who want to look different and welcome innovative ideas, and until today we have implemented projects such as architectural simulators, cruise ships, flooring and wall coverings, etc., with great feedback in the country. We encountered from domestic companies. In less than a year, this caused a significant progress in the work of our team, and Amir continued working in the team as a co-founder.
Today, the team of Theme Studio is working with the creation of various simulation software, specializing in the fields of floor and wall covering simulators, vehicle simulators, factory product simulators, etc., and it is hoped that in the not too distant future we will be able to meet the needs of the company. To solve internal and external problems for marketing, introduction and supply of products with the help of technology and art. Also, interactive advertising in the web environment is a less known field in our country, and our team is trying to make this medium more known in the country by producing attractive content in this field.
acquisition And Work You What a challenge particle for direct object solve he does?
In general, it can be said that the studio solves the challenge of introducing the products produced in companies to customers with the highest quality, but in principle, due to the fact that our activity is at the edge of technology, rather than solving a known need, we need to see a better need. We create products or services in the market and help promote the branding of companies in the society.
What became That At Raymon Based intense And Raymon for you What advantages Ratio To other Covers has it?
Raymon Media, due to its geographical location far from traffic, affordable price compared to other coworking spaces, having special facilities in the field of animation and cinema such as renderfarm, motion capture space, Kuromaki studio, white box and black box studio, conference hall, intimate atmosphere And the friendly and innovative atmosphere was the right choice to start our team.
At Team You What Expertise Hi Existence has it And How they particle for direct object attraction you did?
In my opinion, for small and medium-sized studios, the most important factor is that anyone has the ability to take on a part of the work and help complete the project. Due to limited budget, small and medium-sized studios need a generalist, or as they say, a French wrench, who can always seek to learn and do the work in the best way, regardless of the type of work. Due to the bigger budget and scope of projects, big studios usually require different specialized forces only in a specific field of activity, and in Iran, the number of these studios may be less than the fingers of one hand.
To recruit, after viewing the portfolio, we first take a very small test from the student and after the success of the first stage, we work in the team on a trial basis for two months. In the interview process, we don’t believe too much in meaningless and clichéd questions and we try to measure the new forces with our standards in joint cooperation.
The most important factors for us in general are: the power of unlimited ideation, creativity in the implementation of work, making impossible ideas possible, responsibility and ensuring the completion of assigned projects.
Audiences acquisition And Work You What those are?
Our clients are not related to a specific trade and since our activities are highly customizable, they include all companies and industries that seek to use new and unimplemented methods. We like to work with clients who are as flexible and risk-taking as we are, and who embrace less-performed challenges to achieve interesting and different results.
How To your work Marketing do you
So far, our marketing has been done mostly through personal introduction and orders from previous customers. We have also been in direct contact with companies and industries by participating in exhibitions and introducing the brand. In the future, we will try to introduce ourselves as best as possible through the company’s website.
We hope to attract new customers through the website and social networks with proper branding and presentation of products and services.
Is At Market Among international Both Activity you have? How?
From the beginning, our targeting was only foreign customers, and in this regard, we also worked with some MVPs from famous global brands, but after seeing the feedback and acceptance of the works by several prominent domestic companies, we are also interested in cooperating with domestic companies. we got
Currently, we cooperate with foreign companies mostly as freelancers/individuals and not as a company, which is partly due to the difficulty of officially expanding the business to the international environment and restrictions for Iranians in registering foreign companies in an official and legal manner. .
From Condition your competitors say:
Since our activity goes along with the advancement of technology in software and is in a way at the edge of technology and our projects need to be updated and research and development (R&D) based on the needs of our customers, there are fewer studios in Iran willing to Such challenges are accepted for projects. In the international market, the situation is almost the same, and few studios operate in this field, and we try to improve the quality of the studio’s work on par with high-level international competitors by monitoring the competitors.
At Direction acquisition And Work You What challenges Existence has it?
Naturally, like most start-ups, the costs, including the cost of adding hardware and computer equipment, etc., the lack of expert staff, the extremely slow internet and the need for a filter breaker to visit the most common websites, the inability to do business with foreign companies, the lack of attention of companies Industry to the issues of brand promotion and lack of trust in start-up studios is one of our challenges.
If youth To Area work You interest Mend be From Where Must do your job Beginning slow?
Before starting anything, fix your mindset or look at your work and life. When the way of thinking about the future of work is not right, instead of progressing, you will always fall into a pit and fall into the trap of clichéd sentences and ways of thinking that we hear everywhere. Instead of sitting and thinking about whether a certain job is right for me or not, start early and definitely even if you don’t like that job, the experience of trying that job will come in handy in the future. Staying in one place will cause the river of creativity to stagnate.
One a diary From Direction Or speech Final:
Based on my experience in domestic and foreign businesses, I would like to give some general advice to those who are interested in this field, especially those who want to start their own business:
- Do not look for ideas that are popular and trending in the market. Competition may be a positive word in popular culture, but for your business it means constant stress and lagging behind competitors. Usually, we look for an idea that has worked elsewhere and the possibility of our success is high, but this point causes the number of competitors in the market to be large, and this means that our share in the market is getting smaller and smaller every day, and this means for our new business. Bankruptcy is imminent.
- Avoid trying an idea that is easily copied.
- Be flexible in how you implement and manage your business. One of the reasons that businesses fail, in my opinion, is the lack of flexibility in the implementation of ideas, so that despite the signs that warn us that there is no need to solve the problem in the way we have in mind, we insist on implementing the mental model. The default in our mind causes our business to be completely destroyed in a short period of time.
- As much as possible, try to reach a very simple MVP as soon as possible, even if full of problems, and get feedback from the market as soon as possible. The excessive perfectionism that exists in entrepreneurial children makes them test the product in the market much later than when they should get feedback. This makes us realize our mistakes late and waste our time and money.
- And the last point is that if you start your business alone, all the ideas may be implemented quickly at first, but later on, it will cause the funder/founder of the company to fail. The idea of perfectionism and being a superman and the illusion that one person can handle all the work causes the failure of many businesses.