
There are still issues in the Vienna talks – Mehr News Agency | Iran and world’s news

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Friday that significant progress had been made in the Vienna talks, Reuters reported, quoting Reuters.

“There are still issues,” Sullivan, who was traveling to Poland with US President Joe Biden, told reporters on the plane. There is still work to be done. We are still looking for a diplomatic outcome here that would restrict Iran’s nuclear program again.

The White House National Security Adviser also claimed: “Of course, if diplomacy fails, we will work closely with our international partners to increase pressure on Iran.”

Meanwhile, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan had previously stated in his speech that his country is seeking an agreement with Iran that meets the standards set by Biden!

The National Security Adviser to the President of the United States said in this regard: We believe that if there is an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program in a way that meets the standards of US President Joe Biden, that it can reliably block Tehran from acquiring a nuclear weapon after Donald Trump withdrew from it. , Restore the limits of the country’s nuclear program, we will fulfill this agreement; Because we believe it is in the national interest of America!

Iran, meanwhile, has repeatedly warned that the Vienna talks aimed at lifting anti-Iranian sanctions will only succeed if Tehran’s national interests are respected.

The former US administration unilaterally withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran in May 2018 and violated UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

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