socialWelfare and Cooperation

There is no “we can’t” to create employment – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr reporter, Seyyed Soult Mortazavi said at noon on Saturday in the meeting of East Azarbaijan province, which was held in the presence of the members of the Social Affairs Commission of the Islamic Council and provincial managers in the East Azarbaijan Governorate: Part of our work duties is in the field of treatment, and the burden of treating the society rests on the shoulders of nurses. and doctors, and congratulating Hazrat Zainab Kobari on her birthday.s) I thank the efforts of colleagues in the healthcare sector.

He continued: The Ministry of Labor Cooperation and Social Welfare is in charge of supporting the disabled, especially welfare. May God Almighty continue to give more and more success to people. attendants I hope that the problems of the target society will decrease day by day.

He said: In these meetings, we examine the problems and turn them into a plan, and there is no reason in the government and the executive branch to say “we can’t” regarding the creation of employment. First of all, we have to shoulder the responsibility and guidance of employment and understand and think about it under social responsibility, which is the mission of the government.

It has been neglected in some fields

He also reminded: we have limitations, if we continue with this situation, we will reach negative growth in the field of investment and supply, but for the output in some areas, it has been neglected; We have neglected the field of mining because it can make us unnecessary to export oil and the basis of development should be based on the aim and development of the province that wrote these principles for information and we must join hands and solve these problems.

The Minister of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare mentioned: If we narrate the oral history before the Islamic Revolution, we will understand where we have come from, but our neglect of the narrative has caused anxiety in the public mind, while the Islamic Republic was the source of many services, but this should be More service.

between sources and uses dissatisfaction we have

He added: We have a responsibility in employment and social security and in the economy and finance sector and we must take our actions according to the existing capacities, but the other issue is resources and expenses, and reports indicate that dissatisfaction we have.

He pointed out: We believe that our friends in the Ministry of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare should take necessary measures; Passing from corporation to shareholding is an example of that, in this case, we will reach the 25% component of the cooperative economy, and we must hand over another part of the assets to the cooperatives and balance the resources and expenses.

Negligence of a pharmaceutical company in significantly reducing production anti Biotic

Mortazavi said: 90% of the company’s profits have been distributed among the shareholders. Some negligence has caused the production of 90 million units anti Biotic reach 24 million units in one of the pharmaceutical companies.

He went on to say: we are responsible, excused and responsible, our country has the capacity, we must use the country’s capacity in the best way, our private sector is active and we must have the art of using it, of course, we must avoid projects without economic justification and Moved towards technical and economic justifications.

He said: “There is a possibility of exporting in many sectors, and our products should be so desirable that they compete in the world markets and use the knowledge that exists, especially the capacity of therapeutic tourism.”

The Minister of Cooperation, Labor and Social Welfare reminded: We need to allocate cash to employment and plan, all half-finished projects are funded and we roll up our sleeves, but half-finished medical centers are our first priority.

In the end, he emphasized: Justice is not just about having a fair distribution in the treatment center, the services must be fairly distributed so that we can have the best treatment with the available resources.

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