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There is still a hostile media in the middle/Kianian: I hate lies, slander and polarization

According to Fars News Agency’s art and media reporter, the empire of lies of the Western media and its slanderers has played a very important role in deceiving its audience since the beginning of the riots in the country, a role that is played more prominently than the previous day and with more so-called lies than in the past. has been

This lying has reached its peak in the current situation and in the days when there is no news of favorable unrest in these media, until they used the sudden death of the famous director of Iranian cinema for their nefarious purposes and showed no mercy.

The obvious lie of this section of the media is so big that they even give a false quote to a person present in order to bring Iran’s peaceful days into chaos and people’s hope into despair.

In this regard, some time ago, one of these media, with a quote from Reza Kianian, compared the country to the ruins of Kharababad and considered suicide in this situation, a hardship that would definitely be desirable for these media to inject despair in the country.

Now this artist complained about the false quote that has been published on some virtual pages about the death of Kyomarth Pourahmad, he wrote: I don’t know why sick minds attribute and publish their own words to others.

By publishing the photo of the false sentence that he had written on it, he continued to write: This is not my post or story. Just yesterday one of my friends sent it to me. Before that, I was cursed a lot because of it, and I was cheered for a lot.

My page is clear. It has an address. Sometimes, it is better to spend a few minutes and understand the truth and falsehood of each story before making a judgment. I write whatever I want to write on my page. I am not afraid of blasphemers, nor do they make me proud. I have known myself for many years and tried to be myself. I have so much courage to speak my mind.

Finally, Reza Kianian pointed out that he hates bipolarity. He wrote: I hate bipolarity. I always tried to be myself. go my way No matter how much cursing and cursing I receive, what cheers and cheers. Salam The letter is complete.

Reza Kianan published this text with the hashtags “be yourself” and “bipolar space” and said goodbye to the virtual space.

end of message/

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