Turki al-Faisal: Saudi Arabia must be equipped with an atomic bomb

According to IRNA, Turki al-Faisal in an interview with the American MNBC network, without mentioning the arsenals full of atomic bombs of the Zionist regime as the biggest threat to the security of the Middle East and without mentioning the destructive actions of Riyadh in the region “I have already said that we must do whatever it takes to defend ourselves against a nuclear Iran, including technology,” he said. Achieve nuclear weapons production.
The American Wall Street Journal reported last August, citing official sources, that Saudi Arabia was secretly trying to extract the yellow cake – the main fuel for nuclear power plants.
According to the report, the place where Saudi Arabia has established its yellow cake extraction facilities is in Al-Ala, in the north of Medina province.
The Wall Street Journal also quoted sources in the United States as saying that the United States and its allies were concerned about Saudi Arabia’s ambitious plans and plans to build an atomic bomb.
The revelation of Saudi Arabia’s facilities for extracting yellow cake caused concern in the US Congress.
“Of course, this does not mean that the Saudi government wants to do that, but this is my personal opinion,” Turki al-Faisal said in an interview.
Contrary to the claims of the former Saudi intelligence official, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had previously said in 2018 that if Iran builds a nuclear bomb, we will be equipped with it as soon as possible.
The former Saudi official continued his anti-Iranian claims, adding: “The nuclear deal that was formed during Obama’s time, assured that Iran would be prohibited from carrying out destructive actions in the region, and such an agreement was also agreed upon by us, but Iran after The signing of the agreement did not stop its destabilizing activities in the region.
Reiterating that Iran’s nuclear activities are worrisome, Turki al-Faisal, without mentioning his country’s role in sparking war in the region and destabilizing Riyadh, said: “Our concern about Iran is not just the development of nuclear weapons.” Rather, we are concerned about the nature of Iran’s behavior in the region. Two years ago, Iran attacked Saudi Arabia. Iran supports Houthi in attacking Saudi civilian areas.
Asked if the CIA had concluded that bin Salman was involved in Khashgechi’s murder, he said: “I disagree with this conclusion of the CIA because this conclusion is based solely on speculation and the CIA has provided evidence.” Has not given.
The former Saudi official, meanwhile, said: “Muhammad bin Salman himself explicitly claimed responsibility for the murder, and any punishment in this regard is the responsibility of the court and has nothing to do with me.” The Saudi judiciary has tried and imprisoned those involved in Khashgeji’s assassination.
Jamal Khashgechi, the newspaper opposed to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, was ousted on October 1, 2016, after visiting his country’s consulate in Istanbul, and was brutally murdered. The pressure of the world public opinion caused Mohammad bin Salman to take responsibility for this murder, but so far he has not appeared in any court to answer his accusation.
Regarding the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, he said that this withdrawal was inevitable and that the events that took place after the US withdrawal, including the sudden fall of the Afghan army and the rise of the Taliban, were not unexpected.