Two new appointments in the Radio and Television Organization – Mehr News Agency Iran and world’s news

According to the Mehr news agency, quoting the public relations of the national media, with the decree of the head of the national media, Mehdi Mojtahed, as the deputy in executive affairs and the head of the head of the Radio and Television and Hojjatoleslam and Muslims, Seyed Ramadan Mousavi Moghadam, The head of the Hajj and Pilgrimage Headquarters and the Arbaeen headquarters of the Radio and Television Organization were appointed.
The text of the ruling of Peyman Jebli addressed to Mehdi Mojtahed is as follows:
“Name of God
Dear brother of Mr. Mehdi Mojtahed; In view of your commitment, long and useful experience, Your Excellency, and proper organizational knowledge in various fields, I appoint you as “Deputy Chief of Staff and Head of the Department of Organization”.
In order to achieve the transformation goals of the organization in the direction of central identity and justice, it is necessary to take serious care of the following by using all the capacities of scientific and executive expertise inside and outside the organization in carrying out the assigned missions and tasks:
Pursuing the implementation of the organization’s macro policies and supervising the development of long-term plans;
Establishing internal coordination to implement integrated management and maintain operational coherence, especially in the areas of headquarters and support (financial resources and human capital, planning and planning, etc.);
– Exercising effective supervision over the method of credits and financial expenses and compliance with approved programs and credits;
– Exercising effective supervision over the planning and implementation of plans and programs for improving the human capital of the organization;
– Supervising the process of appointment and evaluation of managers with emphasis on the principle of meritocracy;
– Constructive and effective interaction and communication with all organs and institutions of the system for synergy and inter-organizational coordination;
– Performing special missions;
All levels of management of the organization in the implementation of the above missions are required to cooperate with His Excellency. I consider it necessary to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the sincere efforts of my dear brother Hojjat al-Islam and Muslims Mousavi Moghaddam during his tenure as Deputy Chairman of the Organization and Mr. Borna Firoozi during his tenure as President.
“I ask God Almighty for your success.”
Mehdi Mojtahed previously served as Deputy Foreign Minister and Director of iFilm و Network.
Also in the text of the decree of the head of the national media for Hojjatoleslam and Muslims, Seyyed Ramadan Mousavi Moghaddam, it is stated:
“Name of God
Dear brother of Mr. Hojjatul Islam and Muslims, Seyyed Ramadan Mousavi Moghaddam, while appreciating His Excellency’s sincere efforts during many years in various fields of the organization, according to this ruling, appointed you as “Advisor to the head of the organization I will appoint an organization.
“While appreciating the sincere efforts of Dr. Hassan Grossi during his tenure as head of the Hajj and Pilgrimage Headquarters of the organization, I ask God Almighty to continue your success.”
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