Cinema and theatercultural and artistic

Under the pretext of not broadcasting the TV program “Shahrfarang Live Conversation” + movie

According to a Fars News Agency TV reporterThe TV program “Shahrfarang Live Conversation” was shut down after broadcasting 352 episodes on the news network.

“Due to a change in the schedule of news network programs,” Hamid Reza Modaqiq, an expert-host of “Shahr-e Farang”, wrote on his virtual page:Shahrfarang Live Conversation»Will no longer be broadcast.

Last Thursday of last year, three hundred and fifty-second (last episode) of this program was performed. I am happy to have been in charge of one of the longest running news network programs for almost seven years. “I would like to thank all my colleagues, the people of culture and art, and especially the audience of this program, who were with Shahr-e Farang during this period.”

In the following, under the pretext of this news, an attempt is made to express in a concise and simple language the points about the importance of this program and programs like this:

The program started in May 1994 and for seven years had dealt with various subjects and topics in Iranian art, which went live on the air and depicted the currents of the day. The Farang city program was a critically acclaimed program and had a large audience in the field of culture and art of the country.

The presence of the Minister of Guidance, the Deputy Minister of Arts, filmmakers, critics and many people of culture and art in this program had made it a credible brand for the national media. An enlightening program that was committed to the process of art criticism, it used four steps in its conversations with artists (artists, directors, experts and researchers): Description or description, 2. Analysis, 3. Interpretation 4. Judgment or evaluation.

However, due to the nature of the program and its dialogue-oriented nature and its wide range of audiences, the dominant aspect of “Shahrfarang” is generally the first two stages, namely Description Or Description And Analysis Was, but sometimes rejected in some of his plans Interpretation And Assessment Can also be viewed.

“Shahrfarang” program emphasized that the discussion about the state of the country’s art is a very important issue. Hence, from cinema to visual arts, he studied music, theater, art criticism and research, etc. The kind of approach of the presenter and the conversation that took shape made this program a professional and attractive program for its audience.

In each episode of “Shahrfarang” program, the horizons of the guests and the expert-performer came together and a new horizon was formed from the merging of the horizons, and it was in this process that the audience became more aware of different topics, because We are born of our conversation.

This program taught us that talking about art is very important, because it is from the heart of conversation that new horizons of thought are produced.

In the final analysis of pathology, critique of events, study of the strengths and weaknesses of policies and works of art, in addition to helping artists to continue their path, can also be a means of recognizing art for the audience. It seems necessary to continue the specialized programs of the central critique such as “Shahrfarang”, because it can advance the cultural and artistic situation of the country in a more appropriate direction and cause growth and awareness among the audience.

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