Updating the laws is the first step to organize child labor

In a conversation with Shahri Fars reporter, Narges Mandaripour, in response to the question of what is the responsibility of the municipality regarding the organization of working children, stated: In the field of organizing social harms, there is a need for synergy and cooperation between different institutions, regarding working children. The same applies, of course, the main guardian of this issue is the welfare organization and the municipality has no direct responsibility in this field.
He continued: The welfare organization, in cooperation with other institutions, the most important of which are the judiciary, the interior ministry, the police force, and the municipality, is trying to take appropriate measures regarding the organization of child labor, which certainly requires updating the laws of this sector. is the domain.
The head of the cultural and social commission of the Tehran Islamic Council stated that about 14 institutions have tasks in the field of children, and pointed out: If the assigned tasks of these 14 institutions are done well, there will definitely be a big change in the organization of children.
In response to the question of whether the category of working children has been taken into consideration in the social camp, Mandaripour stated: One of the important issues in the social camp is to pay attention to the organization of working children, that the municipality tries to properly plan the tasks set for the municipality. Plan and implement.
He emphasized: Although it seems that the social center has designed appropriate programs in organizing children’s work, but basically in this matter, there is a need to formulate new laws and update the existing laws.
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