
We are against the implementation of the 2030 document/ a narrative of the oppression of the West against women

According to the Women and Family Group of Fars News Agency, Ansieh Khazali, the Vice President for Women and Family Affairs, at the National Conference of the Third Model of Muslim Women in the Second Step of the Islamic Revolution, which was held under the auspices of the Basij Asatid Organization, while stating that the empowerment of women in Different sectors need support, he said: Skill training, familiarization with Iranian-Islamic lifestyle, population issue and issues related to creativity and innovation especially among women heads of households should be planned and this needs serious support.

Khazali, stating that it is very necessary to de-harm the issue of women and family, clarified: one of the harms is divorce, which is followed by the plan of divorce prevention and counseling for the first 4 years of marriage by the vice-chancellor of women and family affairs.

The Vice President for Women and Family Affairs further added: Last year, in bilateral and multilateral meetings, we were able to form the women and anti-corruption group with the cooperation of a group of countries.

The Vice President for Women and Family Affairs, stating that our success by applying the desired values ​​in Ayora’s statement was one of the best achievements of the women’s vice president in the 13th government, clarified: As the supreme leader of the revolution emphasized that no country has the right to interfere and assign duties in the affairs Our country does not have cultural and social issues. The President announced that the 2030 document will not be implemented in the country in any way.

He added: We are firmly against any kind of implementation of the 2030 document.

Referring to the Supreme Leader of the Revolution’s emphasis on the wisdom and resourcefulness of women, Ansieh Khazali said: women of resourcefulness and resourcefulness, like Hazrat Zainab (PBUH) who immortalized the Ashura movement, can play an influential role in history.

He further added: Our demand from the West is one in this context that Western women have been oppressed and the type of laws, procedures and view of women have deprived them of some rights. Women in some third world countries that follow western models have noticed this oppression.

Referring to the holding of the International Congress of Influential Women, the Vice President for Women and Family Affairs said: In that congress, one of the women managers said that we do not want equality, we are different, why should equal sentences be imposed on us, it is in justice that the characteristics and capabilities of each gender It can be seen that justice means that in addition to equal rights, special privileges and special abilities should also be seen.

Khazali said: Westerners, in the name of equality, tried to impose more responsibilities on women in addition to the roles that religion has defined for women.

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