According to Fars news agency, Mahmoud Reza Kabiri Yeganeh, director of public relations of Tehran City Council, wrote in a note that he provided to Fars: “The influence of the media in today’s world is not hidden from anyone, considering the expansion and complexity of the media, they are the ones who determine They tell their audience when they are happy or sad, what food they eat, what they wear, and when they have a plan. Therefore, mastering the media has become so important and vital for the implementation of media dictatorship in the West and advanced countries.
Pay attention to two important and thought-provoking events in recent days in our society, the martyrdom of Reza Darabi, a selfless firefighter and hero of Iran in the fire incident on Bahar Street, who sacrificed his life to save the lives of citizens, by choosing this job, he He had prepared to face any danger so that he could fulfill his mission, responsibility and duty towards the commitment he has to save another life.
The news of his painful martyrdom was so impressive that one can write about it for hours, cry and share his heroic pictures on social networks.
On the other hand of this stream, there is another stream with the theme of victory, beloved and beloved by Iranians; which died with all the care and maintenance, although according to experts and experts in the field of environment, due to the conditions of birth, growth and maintenance, his death was predictable to a large extent. Since Pirouz was facing many risks to continue his life, but despite all the efforts to preserve the original species of cheetah, unfortunately, the actions were not successful, which caused great sadness for the people of Iran. But review the important point of the media’s dictatorial behavior in the face of two events.
If you think that the citizens will like and share the photo of Pirouz by their own choice, it shows that you have not yet understood the nature of the Western media dictatorship! Only minutes after the death of Pirouz, the western media reacted to the death of Tole Youz with the widespread publication of images, photos, and sayings, and following this trend, dozens of celebrities without any awareness and knowledge of media literacy produced the original content of the western media on a large scale. They went viral, and this made Peiroz become the first subject of social networks in less than an hour! A death that is bitter for all Iranians, but can’t it be simply assumed that this collective mourning was only the desire of the citizens and that the western media did not play a role in the formation of this attack of unrestrained feelings?
In normal conditions, every person considers the death of his fellow man as bitter depending on his institutionalized nature, but if that person has sacrificed his life in the way of saving the lives of his fellow men and commitment to them, that death becomes more bitter and sad and is more noticed at the society level. Takes.
But the martyrdom of the fireman Reza Darabi by boycotting the western media did not become a collective mourning for all Iranians! In fact, the dictatorship of the western media decided that the Iranian society should pay attention to Peroz’s death instead of mourning for this event, because they achieve their psychological and political goals with this procedure and showing the ineffectiveness of the governing bodies.
It must be said unequivocally that paying attention and focusing on the martyrdom of Reza Darabi and highlighting concepts and words such as martyrdom, sacrifice, forgiveness and sacrifice have no place in the strategy of the Western media, therefore, many of the audience of social networks these days are without it. who have knowledge about this issue, they have been influenced by the media dictatorship of the West and they are the ones who cleverly and intelligently inspire the Iranian audience about what they should be happy or sad about; They should shed tears for the death of a selfless firebrand martyr or for the extinction of a generation of cheetahs, which of course, according to relevant Iranian officials, is the pregnant mother of Pirouz.
This tangible and visible flow shows the power of the media over the audience who, with very little media literacy, are in the crosshairs of the media dictatorship’s psychological war at any moment and unwittingly put their feelings, emotions, desires, dreams and visions in the service of their goals. they give. Increasing media literacy of citizens is the highest need of our society today.
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