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What are the most important problems of textbooks from the perspective of students? – Mehr news agency Iran and world’s news

According to Mehr News Agency, the fifth meeting of the series of scientific meetings “Curriculum and useful educational content” was held by the Educational Research and Planning Organization with the topic of students’ ideas and opinions regarding programs and textbooks.

In line with the operationalization of the Supreme Leader’s menu regarding dealing with useful science in the content of textbooks, separating useful science from science. useless and removing the unnecessary and useless content of textbooks, the organization of educational research and planning organized the 5th meeting of useful science with the presence of a group of students with “the focus of criticizing and examining textbooks and the usefulness of their content” from their point of view, today, Tuesday, 25th of Bahman in The meeting hall of the organization was held.

Hojjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Ali Latifi, deputy minister and head of the organization, while welcoming and being pleased to hold this meeting with the students, said that the main purpose of the meeting was to hear their opinions, suggestions and considerations regarding textbooks and their content and said: You know very well. What is going on in the textbooks? These books have a behind-the-scenes or interior and an on-stage or appearance; Part of this interiority is what happens in the authorship, and part is a set of interconnected problems, the result of which is the sense and knowledge that knowledge the learner receives.

He continued: The common point of all those involved in the education system is that in the current state of the education system, textbooks and Our contents We definitely have weaknesses and defects. The educational system is a set of interconnected and complex issues, one of which is the textbook.

Pointing out that the use of students’ time in the classroom and school is the main concern, Latifi said: one of the most important people who can give an opinion on the proper use of time in school is the student community, and the research organization is also lacking in these years. And more in this load has taken actions.

Emphasizing the importance of introducing and referring to the research organization’s polling system, he added: I control this system every day because I consider its role to be important. Just today, I saw some things that were correct and I sent them to the relevant department for their consideration.

Hassan Mazaheri, the secretary of the scientific coordination council of the organization, selected the students present in the meeting, the correspondence was made with the education of the city of Tehran, the cities of Tehran, sending an electronic questionnaire and receiving the comments and suggestions of the students, and monitoring the best comments and inviting the best people. explained

In the following, the students presented their points of view.

Criticism of the content of the family management and lifestyle book, the type of teaching and the content of the physics and chemistry books, the way the psychology book deals with the issues, the content of the general Persian literature book, the introduction of poets and writers in this book, the content of the science and literary techniques book, The inapplicability of the contents of economics and mathematics books, the disjointed contents, the incoherence and inapplicability of Arabic books, the many problems of English language books, the new problem of the educational system and the teaching of the Chinese language, and the persistence of the problem of teaching English, etc. were among the issues that The students explicitly conveyed to the head of the research and educational planning organization and the authors of the textbooks.

In this meeting, a group of volunteer and selected students of the General Department of Education of the city and cities of Tehran, as well as the Brilliant Talents Organization, were present. In recent days, these students have announced some of their ideas, opinions and suggestions regarding programs and textbooks.

Colleagues of the research organization, officials of the fields of education and learning, authors of textbooks, experts in the field of education, educational experts, media people, and parents were also present in this meeting.

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