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What is the difference between foreign iron drops and Iranian ones?

As your beloved child approaches the end of 6 months, it is time to start giving iron drops as well as starting complementary foods. However, for some children with developmental disorders, iron drops may be prescribed by a doctor from the end of 4 months. Since anemia pills are not usually available for children due to their inability to take them, iron drops should be avoided. The first question that arises for parents here is what is the difference between foreign iron drops and Iranian ones and which one should we buy for our child?

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How much iron drops for children?

Children 7 to 12 months need 11 mg of iron daily. It is usually recommended that children be given 15 drops of iron (equivalent to 1 ml) daily. Of course, the exact amount should be determined by the doctor according to the child’s physical condition. Obviously, if a child has anemia, he or she needs a higher dose of the iron mineral. Children 1 to 3 years old, 4 to 8 years old, and 9 to 13 years old need 7 mg, 10 mg, and 8 mg of iron daily, respectively. In adolescence, boys and girls need different amounts of iron; So that girls need 15 mg daily and boys need 11 mg of iron.

The difference between foreign and Iranian iron drops

Today, with the advancement of pharmaceutical science in Iran, the iron drops that are produced for children are not inferior to foreign types in terms of quality. However, you may find that many parents are just looking for foreign iron drops for their child. For some reasons, which we will discuss below, foreign iron drops are more popular than Iranian ones:

External iron drops and the child’s teeth do not blacken

External iron drops are usually made with a formulation that does not blacken the teeth. For example, the iron used in Goce Junya Pharma Cider central iron drops, which is one of the best foreign iron drops, has a sucrose formulation, ie iron by membrane Phospholipids Is covered. In this case, there is no direct contact between the iron and the child’s teeth, and as a result, black teeth are not obtained. Of course, no parent wants their child to have iron stains on their teeth. So look for a product that does not have this complication for the teeth. But do Iranian iron drops all cause blackening of the teeth?

Drops of Iranian iron blacken teeth?

The difference between foreign iron drops and Iranian ones can not be considered in the fact that Iranian iron drops blacken the teeth. Because, as we mentioned, many pharmaceutical companies today make iron supplements with a formula that does not have side effects such as tooth blackening. Oral liposuction (liposomal) iron drops BSK is an example of this model of iron drops that has been produced in Iran by Bonyan Salamat Kasra Company. In this product, iron ion is placed inside the phospholipid layer and due to lack of contact with the gastrointestinal tract and teeth, it does not cause gastrointestinal complications and darkening of the teeth.

So in Iranian products, you can also find iron drops that do not cause black teeth. This feature is not limited to foreign iron droplets. However, it is more common in foreign iron supplements than in Iran.

External iron drops and no gastrointestinal complications

It is generally very common for iron supplements to have gastrointestinal side effects such as pain, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, etc., which are sometimes very annoying. Among the foreign iron drops can be found many brands that do not cause gastrointestinal problems. Why? Because, as mentioned earlier, most of them are produced with a formulation in which iron ions are not in direct contact with the gastrointestinal tract or are absorbed intact from the intestine. The fact that iron droplets have a liposomal structure is important because it is clear that parents do not want their child, who may not even be able to speak yet, to have a gastrointestinal complication. But are all Iranian iron drops associated with gastrointestinal side effects?

Iron drops

Not all Iranian iron drops have gastrointestinal problems

Put aside the misconception that all domestically made iron drops have gastrointestinal problems. Pay attention to the specifications on the product when buying. Today, many iron supplements are made in Iran that do not cause any gastrointestinal side effects. The reason for this can also be related to the specific formulation that we mentioned in the previous sections. In these emerging formulations, iron is not in direct contact with the gastrointestinal tract and will not cause side effects such as stomach pain or nausea.

Of course, it is important to note that among the foreign iron drops that are without gastrointestinal side effects, you can find more variety of products. However, we can not mention the difference between foreign and Iranian iron drops does not cause gastrointestinal side effects in foreign varieties, because now you can find this feature in domestic products.

Prices of foreign and Iranian iron tablets

For most buyers, the price of dietary supplements is important. Iron drops are usually produced in 30 ml. If we want to have a comparison between Iranian and foreign iron drops in terms of price, we must say that foreign iron drops are usually twice as expensive as the Iranian type. Therefore, if you find Iranian iron drops that do not blacken the teeth and do not have gastrointestinal problems, it is much cheaper and wiser to prepare it than the foreign type.

What can we do to better absorb iron drops?

The best time to give iron drops to a child is when his stomach is empty. If you are breastfeeding your baby, it seems like a good time between breastfeeding. If you feel that your child has a gastrointestinal problem with iron supplementation, give it to your child along with meals. Combine iron with vitamin C for better absorption. For example, give a glass of orange juice to the child at the same time to maximize absorption in the body. Be careful never to give iron drops to children in combination with milk.

Iron and vitamin C tablets

Concluding remarks

Today, with the advancement of pharmaceutical science around the world, it is very difficult to accurately state the difference between foreign and Iranian iron drops. In the past, there were only foreign iron drops that did not cause gastrointestinal problems or blacken teeth. But today in our country we can also find companies that have produced iron drops with the same characteristics and also have a more reasonable price. To choose the best iron drop, we suggest that you consult your doctor or do a thorough study of the information of the iron drop that you intend to buy. You may also find the desired quality of foreign iron drops in Iranian products.

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[مجموع: ۱ میانگین: ۵]

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