What is the latest price of Kerman Motor / Lifan and Jack S5 products? (June 28)
By reading the table below, complete information about Daily price of cars in Kerman Motor You will get in the market.
car name | market price (tomans) | Factory price (Tomans) | Change in market price |
Lifan X70 | 1,400,000,000 | 799,000,000 | 50,000,000 |
Jack J4 | 780,000,000 | 785,000,000 | -24,000,000 |
Jack S3 | 1,130,000,000 | 955,000,000 | -40,000,000 |
Jack S5 | 1,510,000,000 | 1,545,000,000 | -65,000,000 |
KMC T8 | 1,650,000,000 | 1,650,000,000 | -50,000,000 |
KMC J7 | 1,660,000,000 | 1,750,000,000 | -90,000,000 |
KMC K7 | 1,900,000,000 | 1,850,000,000 | -60,000,000 |