What is the price of a house in Pasdaran / what is the average price of a newly built property in Pasdaran? – Tejarat News

According to Tejarat News, Pasdaran is a long and old neighborhood that includes many neighborhoods and has very good facilities and accessibility.
Pasdaran is now located in the northeast of Tehran and in areas three and four of the municipality. Pasdaran Street starts from the south of Hemet Highway and the area of Shariati Street (the intersection of Zarabkhaneh Street). This street continues on the way until it reaches the three-way road of Efkiyeh and the intersection of Pasdaran, and after that, it enters the district one of Tehran Municipality by passing through Nowbanyad Square and Pasdaran Bridge. Pasdaran Street reaches Niavaran square in its northernmost area, passing through Farmaniyeh intersection, Aqdasiyeh intersection and Niavaran Bostan.
Pasdaran area is one of the most expensive and luxurious neighborhoods in Tehran, but due to the fact that it has many neighborhoods in different areas, it has a high price range for buying apartments. But now, how many million tomans is the price floor and ceiling of a newly built apartment in this neighborhood?
Apartment price in Pasdaran
As mentioned, the vastness of Pasdaran neighborhood and its location in two different neighborhoods of the municipality have made buyers in this luxury area have many options to choose from.
Real estate consultants say that the price of a newly built apartment in this area starts from 150 million per square meter and reaches 210 million tomans per square meter.
Pasdaran neighborhood public transportation and subway
Public transportation and local accessibility in this area is in good condition. Four metro stations connect Pasdaran to other areas, these stations are: Novaniad, Zainuddin, Heravi, Hosseinabad.
Also taxi terminals in New foundation square And Pasdaran Crossroads It brings the residents of this neighborhood to their destinations. Pasdaran is also in a good condition in terms of bus lines.
In this area, there are BART bus lines with destination Resalat-Tajrish terminal. Due to the absence of guards in the traffic plan, it is thought that passing through this street is easy; However, due to its long length and the connection of Hammet highway to Novaniad Square, this street is included in the main and very busy streets of Tehran.
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