
What model should we buy with 500 million? + table

By reading the table below, more information about Daily price of Al Nood cars you will get

The market price of all types of cars
brand model (year of manufacture) Function price (tomans)
Pars Tandar-e 1395 144,000 560,000,000
Thunder 90 E2 1397 34,000 680,000,000
Thunder 90 E2 1398 68,000 700,000,000
Thunder 90 plus automatic 1396 25,000 800,000,000
Pars Thunder 1398 Zero 770,000,000
Thunder 90 E2 1398 Zero 820,000,000
Thunder 90 plus automatic 1399 Zero 1,030,000,000
Thunder 90 plus gear 1398 Zero 830,000,000
Source: Bama

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