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When to take iron pills?

Iron tablets play a key role in the formation of red blood cells and provide oxygen to the body’s tissues and cells. Iron deficiency in the body leads to anemia and has unpleasant consequences. Iron’s mineral is found in many foods, but iron deficiency anemia is very common in both children and adults due to not eating enough healthy and varied foods. In order to treat anemia, even if you use the best iron pills, do not forget to use natural sources of iron in order for the recovery process to take place in the best way for you. Do you know the best time to take iron pills?

What we read in this article

Benefits of taking iron tablets

Iron supplementation is used either to prevent or to treat iron deficiency in the body. If a person does not get enough iron in their diet, has a genetic predisposition to anemia, or has impaired iron absorption, then they should take iron pills to make up for their nutritional deficiencies. Taking this supplement can help relieve the symptoms of anemia such as paleness, headache and dizziness, weakness and constant tiredness, hair loss and anorexia. Providing the right amount of iron to the body also makes the body more resistant to pathogens.

If you have symptoms of anemia in your body or you suspect that you may have this complication, be sure to have a blood test and see a doctor for further tests.

Prevalence of anemia in the world and in Iran

According to the World Health Organization, about 3 billion people in the world suffer from iron deficiency, and this number is truly astonishing. Statistics show that about 50% of children in developing countries suffer from iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is found in 30% of pregnant women and girls of puberty in Iran. Anemia is generally reported in children under 5 years of age as well as the elderly less than other ages.

Read the difference between Iranian and foreign iron tablets by clicking on the link provided.

The best time to take iron tablets

In most scientific sources it is recommended to take iron tablets on an empty stomach. Accordingly, 1 hour before meals and 2 hours before meals is the best time to take iron tablets. Studies have shown that if iron supplements are taken with meals, their absorption will decrease because some foods interfere with iron absorption.

Sources of calcium, foods containing phytates (such as grains and legumes) as well Oxalic acid Found in many foods such as spinach, tea, beets, etc., they can reduce the body’s absorption of iron. That is why it is recommended to use iron tablets on an empty stomach.

It may be a little difficult for you to take iron pills just when your stomach is empty. For this purpose, pay attention to the following points:

  • One of the best times to eat on an empty stomach is to go to bed. Do not eat anything for 2 hours before going to bed, and then take your iron supplement at bedtime.
  • It is true that we said do not take iron tablets with your food, but you can take this supplement with fruits such as citrus fruits and maximize its absorption in your body. Because citrus fruits are rich sources of vitamin C, this vitamin increases iron absorption.

Should we take iron pills in the morning or at night?

As a general rule, the best time to take iron pills is when you are fasting and have not yet eaten your breakfast. The best drink you can use while swallowing a pill is a glass of orange juice because it contains significant amounts of vitamin C. But some people have sensitive stomachs or have side effects from taking iron pills. In this case, you can inevitably take iron supplements after a meal. Also, as we explained, before going to bed is a good time to take this supplement.

The best time to take iron tablets

Can iron tablets and multivitamins be taken at the same time?

Avoid taking any multivitamin pill 2 hours before and after taking iron tablets. Multivitamins may also contain adequate amounts of the mineral iron, resulting in dangerously high levels of iron in the body. In this case, iron overload in the body may lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness, etc., and may pose health risks.

How much tea or coffee should we drink after taking iron pills?

Tea and coffee are both popular beverages that interfere with the absorption of iron due to their certain content. Different sources have suggested different times for the interval between iron supplementation and tea and coffee. But most sources recommend that you take about 2 hours between drinking tea and coffee and taking iron supplements. Also, if you eat iron-rich foods such as red meat in your meal, you should still avoid iron tablets or capsules for up to 2 hours.

The best time to take iron pills for pregnant women

Pregnant women are one of the most regular users of iron pills. Anemia during pregnancy not only harms the mother but also has adverse effects on the fetus. Pregnant women need at least 27 mg of iron daily during pregnancy. If these people do not experience morning sickness, it is better to choose the morning before breakfast as the best time to take iron pills. Otherwise, it is better to take iron supplements before bed to reduce side effects and digestive problems.

Table of recommended amounts of iron intake at different ages

Age Iron intake (mg) pregnancy period Breastfeeding
From birth to 6 months 0.27
7 to 12 months ۱۱
1 to 3 years old 7
4 to 8 years old 10
9 to 13 years old 8
14 to 18 years old Boys: 11

Girls: 15

۲۷ 10
19 to 50 years old Men: 8

Women: 18

۲۷ 9
51 years and older 8

Final speech

If you feel the symptoms of anemia and iron deficiency in your body, be sure to see your doctor for further tests to prescribe iron supplementation if necessary. In general, the best time to take iron pills is when the stomach is empty. If your stomach is upset or you have side effects in this case, it is better to choose the night before bed as the best time to absorb this mineral in the body.

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