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فارس من | The unhealthy peddler train has reached the final station / What is the new plan for organizing the subway peddlers?

Fars News Agency, Urban Group: Hand-selling is not specific to a community or a city, but is an urban issue in all communities and has always created challenges for urban management. Rail transport has taken over the capital, challenging subway services and causing inconveniences and problems for passengers. , But is fully formed.

During a period of time when peddlers were present in the subway, it became so colorful that Mohsen Poursaid-Aghaei, the then deputy of transportation and traffic of Tehran Municipality, reacted to the presence of peddlers in the subway with a hammer and said: peddling is prohibited in subway stations. If peddlers are seen in metro stations, announce the name of the station so that the manager in charge of that station can be fired.

This problem is like a triangle by some experts, one side of which is the people, one side is the vendors and the other side is the municipality, so to solve this problem, measures must be taken by all three groups and everyone must work together, but unfortunately so far We have not been a cohesive collaboration of all 3 groups.

About 12,000 people sell handicrafts in Tehran

Although there are no exact statistics on the number of peddlers in Tehran Metro, but Ghodratollah Mohammadi, CEO of Tehran Industries and Jobs Organization Company, said about the peddlers: “About 12,000 people are peddlers in Tehran, but about three or four thousand of them work seasonally.” For example, when the agricultural work in the city is finished, they start selling in Tehran.

He said about the metro peddlers: Organizing the metro peddlers in the area of ​​the metro operating company and so far the work has not been entrusted to us. So if it is recognized in the hierarchy that we have to do this, we will definitely enter.

Mohammadi, in response to the fact that according to the decree on organizing mobile and non-mobile businesses, ‌ arranging vendors in public transportation with you, said: the metro has a special structure. We are ready, but the task is not left to us at the moment.

Statistics and status of vendors from the perspective of city council members

Zahra Shams Ehsan, 4 members of the Tehran City Council, also said about the activity of peddlers in the capital metro: “According to the latest reports, we are facing an increase in the number of mobile businesses and 4,000 peddlers are working in the Tehran metro.”

Shams Ehsan stated: The organizing company in the form of specific planning should organize the revival of the planning committee in the form of a plan for organizing mobile and decentralized businesses and updating the notification instructions, and should set up temporary markets and register them.

New programs to organize vendors

Regarding the organization of Tehran Metro vendors, we went to Mehdi Shayesteh, the CEO of the Metro Operating Company. He told Fars about this issue: “With the cooperation of related organizations in Tehran Municipality, such as the Welfare Organization, services and social partnerships, we have a plan to organize vendors.”

He added: “Article 15 of the statute of paragraph” d “of this organization discusses helping to organize and reduce social harms in the subway and support these people, as well as preventive strategies.” So we talked to friends at the Welfare Organization to use their capacity to work together.

Metro capacity for vendors at very low prices

The CEO of the Metro Operating Company announced: “We are looking to create infrastructure and a mechanism for retailers who are interested in using the capacity of the Tehran Metro to sell their goods in an organized manner, and we will provide them with neighborhoods at low costs.” There should be a call for vendors and we planned to do this at the beginning of the year, but this did not happen and soon, God willing, we will have a large call and the necessary mechanism will be provided. After the implementation of the plan, it will not be possible for vendors to operate in other ways.

Shayesteh Asl pointed out that by organizing peddlers in the subway, in addition to maintaining their personal health and mental health for the citizens, it is also created in the subway wagons. They interfere with browsing.

70% of metro vendors operate as an integrated network

He said: “About 70% of peddlers, according to surveys, operate as an integrated network, and only 30% of them have peddlers for livelihood, in other words, people who operate as an integrated network, their resources and goods are provided from a specific location and the system Their card reader is connected to certain people as a backup network.

Organizing vendors ensures mental health and personal hygiene in the subway

The CEO of the Metro Operating Company, noting that we do not seek to make money by organizing vendors, said: ‌ Organizing vendors will ensure mental health and personal hygiene in the metro, and God willing, extensive measures will be taken soon, but within the company’s capacity. We will also use it to organize jobs in the Tehran metro.

According to Fars, some of my “Fars Man” audiences have also registered a subject called organizing peddlers and beggars in subway cars: For some time now, peddlers and beggars have settled in subway cars and created them for citizens who are using this vehicle. They disturb both audio and physical, and in corona conditions, they travel as carriers. Unfortunately, despite filing a complaint in the 1888 system, no specific action has been taken to prevent peddling and begging. However, it is possible for vendors to set up and deploy them at stations to prevent them from entering the wagon and causing inconvenience. It is hoped that the authorities will put this request of the citizens on the agenda to regulate the situation of the peddlers.

Now, the CEO of Tehran Metro Operating Company has announced the organization of metro peddlers with a new plan in the near future, and now we have to wait and see how the defective peddler train will reach the final station in the metro?

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